German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/106, p.
Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues. Honored
We have quite often heard it today: Employees, who have the
good fortune to be paid according to scale in a business with a works council
at its disposal and where there is a an employee representation worthy of the
name, have not only higher incomes but in general also essentially better
working conditions. Wage dumping and precarious work conditions are found
especially where there is simply no representation of interests which can strengthen
employee rights, So far, so good.
Yes, we of the AfD wish that as many employees as possible
profit from the advantages of having a voice, and to that also plainly belong
binding wage contracts. Higher wages – that is long since no more a luxury but
a sheer necessity. In a country where so many citizens can no more afford daily
living, in which the state squeezes the citizens with so many taxes and contributions
that for many it would be more profitable to stay home with a citizen’s wage [Bürgergeld],
Annika Klose (SPD): Ach, rubbish!
it is quite especially important that work be appropriately
respected; that is to say, honored.
For too long was our country a low wage country. What we now
complain of as old age poverty, and will still suffer in the future, is also
the result of an abusive form of a precarious low wage sector. A third of those
employed full-time today will receive a pension of not even 1,200 euros, but
less – for 45 years full-time, as is well known. That is a scandal.
Here, good wage scale parameters [tarifliche Rahmenbedingungen] help and therefore we of the AfD are
also for the promotion of these.
Yet what surely does not work is to write your ideal into a
motion and then to believe it works out in the implementation. That is wishful
thinking. And what happens when a socialist dream meets reality can you certainly
experience in the heating transition debacle of your green comrades.
For us in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern soon threatens the care
collapse – because ambulatory care service was recently placed under the wage contracts
law and soon its employees can simply no longer perform. That is the reason why
the first Federal states again already say goodbye to their own wage contracts
laws – must say goodbye. That means: Please, some more honesty! And so it appears
that we find ourselves in a crisis, and that we have many small businesses
which only with difficulty can keep themselves above water. Those employed and
the businesses would thereby be better served if their work was not daily
A Left party which gets chummy in the climate chaos so to
win recruits, and on its website brags
Pascal Meiser (Linke): Remain with the motion! Or have you again not read it?
of going into the street with the youth climate movement, is
part of the problem and not the solution. Here then the pious wish for a
collective agreement is of no additional help.
Many thanks.
Pascal Meiser (Linke): You’ve sniffed too much adhesive!
[trans: tem]