Monday, May 15, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, May 10, 2023, German De-industrialization and the U.S.A.

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/102, pp. 12290-12291.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

Robert Habeck has made the Economy Ministry into the Nepotism Economy Ministry: State secretaries are married to, related to, or are the in-laws of experts, an entire family clan; the spouse wants to procure a job for the best man, etc., etc. These hagglings occur at the Bundestag and have nothing but nothing to do with the civil service ethic which distinguishes our country. It destroys trust in politics and befits a Green transformation agenda. Herr Habeck, you have today spoken in committee of compliance, yet of ethics you apparently have never heard anything. In politics, it is about values like trust and credibility, which you have damaged beyond measure.

The Union now wants to draw consequences from the family entanglements. They want to set up an investigating committee. Which we will exactly so demand. If the Union should place this demand before us, we will thence of course support it. Nevertheless, this committee is allowed to uncover not only the Graichen clan’s family entanglements. Namely, it is about the central question: Will the energy transition [Energiewende], which destroys our prosperity, be directed by foreign power and capital interests?

            Michael Kruse (FDP): This the righteous ask!

Are the Greens fulfilling the sell-out of our country in foreign interests? Precisely that is the crux of the matter. Precisely that is brought home by last week’s revelations.

You here in your speeches, and those of the CDU, have only scratched the surface. My colleague Beatrix von Storch has in this place designated the Greens as the political arm of these global financial interests. She has thereby laid the finger in the wound. That was bitterly necessary; since the Greens quite openly feed our country to the oligarchs.

That would be, for example, Hal Harvey, by the Zeit named as “the world’s most powerful Green”.

            Markus Humpfer (SPD): Who then yesterday was with Putin?

He finances Green institutions and foundations and co-founded the Agora Energiewende. Patrick Graichen was chief lobbyist there before Robert Habeck named him State Secretary. Agora besides already in 2021 demanded the ban on oil and gas heating. The study’s author, Christian Maaß – on that, here it is about quite other persons – is meanwhile also State Secretary for Habeck.

            Felix Banaszak (Green): Nein! Read the organization chart!

Agora Energiewende already last year announced the breakthrough for the heating pump. Thus it needs be asked: Is that clairvoyance or is that manipulation?

Those suffering from this lobby swamp are the simple German citizens, those of the Mittelstand, tradesmen, industrial workers. They need to tear out flooring and exchange heaters. Every second household is presently heated with natural gas, every fourth with oil. For a heating pump, the citizens need to pay up to 25,000 euros for those using air, and up to 40,000 euros for those using ground warmth, in addition to 10,000 euros for floorboard heating – an all, 75 billion euros. Roofs and facades need to be insulated. Every tradesman knows this. I say to you where that leads to: For thousands and thousands, directly to old age poverty. That is what your name, Herr Habeck, stands for.

Do not forget. The Green energy transition is closely connected with the economic war against Russia. Already in 2016, Habeck announced he will stop gas imports from Russia because we are an energy transition country. Was the Ukraine war thus only an occasion, but not the reason, for the end of Nord Stream?

Katharina Dröge (Greens): You have gotten deeply lost in conspiracy theories! That is  really sad!

An additional oligarch with BlackRock, Larry Fink, is allowed to coordinate the reconstruction of the Ukraine. The more kaputt it is, the higher the investments. With Friedrich Merz, ja, sits a leader of the opposition in this house who has been for years active as a top lobbyist for BlackRock. I ask the CDU: Do you not lie in bed with these same investors as do the Greens? Who shall be, ja, your next coalition partners? Since January, Elga Bartsch works as leader in the policy department of Habeck’s Ministry. She is something like the brain of the BMWK [Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate]. Frau Bartsch was previously research leader at BlackRock in London.  

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): That’s a coincidence!

And the investigating committee needs to pursue these network threads. Does the Ministry itself here coordinate the sell-out of our economy?

Then a criticism to the German media: To research precisely this, – my esteemed colleague Alice Weidel already said it yesterday – to pursue its entirety, and to drain this entire swamp would be the duty of the German media, and not to fight the opposition.

The heating branch of the German family business Viessmann is to be sold for 12 billion euros to the U.S. concern Carrier Global. The U.S.A. profits from forced heat pumping which U.S.-financed lobbyists have previously planned. Precisely this policy is not in the citizens’ interest. The heating ban therefore needs to be withdrawn. And, Herr Habeck, you need to be exchanged. It would be more convenient to exchange you than millions of heaters in Germany.

This monstrous situation – last sentence, Frau President – needs to be clarified. Then will be shown who really profits from the de-industrialization of Germany.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]