Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Sylvia Limmer, February 11, 2022, Automotive Engine Emissions

AfD Kompakt, February 11, 2022.

For years, the EU legislation leads us on with the emissions-free automobiles of e-mobility. Yet this is an ideological conjurer’s trick, since only one thing is different – the location of the CO2 emissions, which besides will increase. For as a result of this politically forced electrification of the passenger vehicle fleet, an increased coal-generated electricity will need to come on line and thus the portion of so-called renewable energies in the electricity mix will decline.

Classic automobiles with combustion engines, as well as all the innovations thereto coupled like synthetic and alternative fuels, shall be buried by this green-left Utopia and will be replaced by e-autos. Sand is thereby thrown in the eyes of the citizens and competitiveness, prosperity and workplaces endangered. Instead of this, we demand of the Commission – as is prescribed in the current EU decree from the year 2019 – a comprehensive measurement of all automobile emissions so as to establish the same conditions [Bedingungen] for all. Until then, penalty payments by auto manufacturers should be set aside and innovations promoted. In that regard, an examination of current goals is required, to the year 2028 at the latest, so as to then take into account the expected innovations of the particular drive technologies.

Only so can be prevented permanent damage to the core of Germany’s industrial base. For if the proposals of the Commission were followed, existing plants and workplaces cannot then be simply replaced. As previously, the great problems of e-mobility in regards affordability, lack of demand for reasons of quality, the faulty storage infrastructure, the insecure energy supply and, from the ecological-ethical viewpoint, the questionable mining of raw materials like lithium, cobalt and nickel, would thereby lead to that in the end we would have fewer automobiles in the street. This would have drastic consequences for our prosperity and our way of living.


[trans: tem]