Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Christian Wirth, February 16, 2022, Hanau

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/16, p. 1073.

Herr President. Valued colleagues.

In this country, there is allowed no place for any kind of extremism – this should actually be a consensus in this house. Two years have already gone by since Hanau’s act of blood to which ten persons fell victim before the perpetrator killed himself, a day which will be in the memory of as good as every citizen and in which all Germany was shocked and stood in mourning with the survivors of the victims.  

The perpetrator’s sick worldview was displayed in some videos on his YouTube channel and in his manifesto which he published on his internet site. The evidently psychologically deeply disturbed perpetrator expressed abstruse conspiracy theories besides racist ideas. He was since his birth under observation by a secret service which can read his thoughts and remotely control other people. It also maintains underground military bases in the U.S.A. in which children were tortured and the devil worshipped. It even plans, by means of a time warp, to fly into the past so as to destroy the Earth before life can develop on it. – So much so as to give only one small look into his mad imaginations.

It is truly absurd to want to make a connection with the Alternative für Deutschland to this world of ideas, yet nothing can be absurd enough for the political rivals so as not to make political cheap change from this horrific act. As an example, I want to cite the colleague Konstantin Kuhle who, ja, gladly raised the moral forefinger,

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): What did I assert?

who on Twitter wrote verbatim:

The Hanau perpetrator’s pamphlet reads like a speech of Gottfried Curio (AfD) in the German Bundestag.

            Bernd Baumann (AfD): Phooey!

No comment.

The question before us today is: Would it have been possible to prevent the act in Hanau and which lessons herefrom may we draw for the future? By a more exact inspection of the chronology is disclosed an entire series of cases of substantial failures on the part of officials. Already in the year 2002, an initial recognition of psychic disturbance was attained when the perpetrator made a report to the Oberfranken police praesidium on the basis that he was listened to by means of the wall socket in his dwelling. The office doctor thereupon presented a psychosis from schizophrenic conditions with paranoid content and recommended the immediate initiation of psychiatric care. He was released from the hospital without treatment on the same evening. In 2004, he made an additional paranoid report. There followed further investigations on account of diverse infractions; for example, on account of an attack on a watchman at the Bayreuth University and on account of drug smuggling. Despite all of this, he in the year 2013 received a weapons possession card which, after further investigations on account of negligent incendiarism and renewed drug smuggling, was not withdrawn.

            Bernd Baumann (AfD): Unbelievable!

Chief officials themselves first acquired knowledge of the perpetrators mental state when, shortly before his act in November 2019, a crime report was filed at the Federal attorney’s office against an unknown secret service organization, the content of which is in large part identical with the abstruse manifesto of which I previously made mention. That this case presumably would have been able to be prevented with psychiatric treatment rather than with extremism prevention naturally should not mean that extremism prevention would not be urgently indicated.

From the statistics of the Federal Criminal Office for politically motivated criminality may be gathered alarming numbers which should concern us all. From the area of “politically motivated criminality”, I want to name representative numbers for offenses of bodily injury and homicide from the year 2020: 1,092 offenses from the right and 1,526 from the left.

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): And now?

In comparison with the previous year, we note an increase of 10.75 percent for rightist acts of violence and a full 45.06 percent for leftist acts of violence. That our new Interior Minister Faeser has published an article in the “antifa” magazine of the leftist extremist VVN-BdA allows to hope of nothing good related to the combating of leftist extremism.

In any case is to be named the alarming potential of persons in the area of Islamism/Islamist terrorism in the 2020 report of the Constitution Defense. The relevant security circuits of the common analysis and strategy center for illegal migration – for short: GASIM – now fear a rapid increase in the numbers of those posing a danger on the basis of the Ampel coalition’s immigration policy, namely that of Ministers Faeser and Baerbock. Yet this is still to be spoken of.

In conclusion, it remains for all of us, hopefully, that we in the future succeed in preventing such horrific acts as those in Hanau. Our thoughts are with the victims and the survivors.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]