Thursday, February 17, 2022

Nicolaus Fest, February 15, 2022, Human Rights and Foreign Policy

AfD Kompakt, February 15, 2022.

The European Union appears to be concerned when it is a matter of implementing human rights in any corner of the planet. This is made known when the “Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World” is read year by year. One thing thereby becomes clear: The more the EU concerns itself over the human rights of elsewhere, the more forcefully will these be perverted in its member states. The Corona pandemic has made this clear: Basic rights become privileges have led to the formation of a two-class society. Data protection, the relevance of which EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell emphasized in last year’s report, is subsumed to the restrictive Corona preventive measures, which has led to stronger digital controls, ever further sharpened.

It is wrong to elevate human rights to a standard for one’s own foreign policy. Foreign policy should primarily be led by interests and not values. Yet on the other hand when managed by the EU, it should guarantee that basic rights are implemented in its member states, instead of morally instructing the rest of the world with woke ideologies.


[trans: tem]