Friday, February 11, 2022

Kristin Brinker, January 27, 2022, Berlin – Part IV

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 19/5, pp. 229-230.

Let us come to the present, most serious imposition with which the Senate burdens the Berliners – these are the erratic and arbitrary compulsory preventive measures in the Corona crisis. A small example: In the Berlin restaurant trade for the past two weeks, the 2G plus rule applies to guests. The non-vaccinated are no longer allowed to go into a restaurant unless they work there, since for co-workers 3G continues to apply. The result is absurd: A non-vaccinated waiter may in fact continue to serve the vaccinated guests, yet he himself may not after ceasing work eat in the restaurant, since he could infect other people. What is this nonsense? And your Corona policy in terms of education policy is a catastrophe. At the beginning of the week, the presence obligation was set aside, without consultation with the experts committee. The Reinickdorf public doctor Larscheid called that, verbatim, a terrible stupidity, since the effect upon the pandemic events is almost the same as nil, yet children from uneducated families will continue to be dependent.

There are several additional examples of the inconsistencies of the present Corona policy, like the lack of clarity resulting from shortening the cured status from six to three months. In Berlin, no one actually knows exactly to what, when, to whom that applies: When is one cured for six  months, when for three? Oddly, this does not apply to the Bundestag. Or the false promises of the effectiveness of the vaccine. Or the not to be overlooked chaos with the testing obligation and quarantine rules. Or the present unhappy debate over the vaccination obligation. Or, and this is quite dramatic, the extreme increase in children’s psychiatric illnesses up to and including suicide. The consequences of your policy are horrifying. Finally stop dividing society and asserting the opposite! There must be an end to this chaos. We require a clear line, a perspective of openness for a return to normality. Colleague Saleh is not present in the hall,

            Torsten Schneider (SPD): She did not stay!

however: Stop defaming as Nazis people who, on account of your Corona preventive measures policy, today go into the street and continue to be worried, for whatever reason, about their bodily inviolability. That does not go. It does not work thus, and precisely that is the point where you do not comply with what is in the government program, wherein you want to promote society’s cohesion. You do exactly the opposite.

The government program is ultimately a medley of little measures which contributes nothing much to the further development of Berlin. You do not lay hold of the real problems. What becomes of the ICC, of the former Tempelhof airport buildings? Instead of finally developing a usage perspective, there is no idea, no plan for that but a gigantic reconstruction backlog in the sum of billions. How shall the airport disaster continue? Scarcely opened, the BER already again is in need of reconstruction and requires 2.4 billion euros to survive. To which building projects do you want to give priority? Where is the overall supervision of the reconstruction backlog in all public buildings in Berlin? Where is your list of priorities? What are you doing exactly for the citizens of this city so that they do not meet with a months-long wait for an appointment with civic officials? When will building permits be issued in an acceptable period of time, when will the building regulations be straightened out, collated, as well as the procurement regulations? What are your solutions for these existential problems?

Berlin is a wonderful city

            Anne Helm (Linke): Ach, yet now!

with a great history. We stand on the shoulders of giants like Friedrich the Great, Hardenberg, Bismarck, of geniuses like Hegel, Virchow, Einstein or Planck. Legendary businesses like Siemens, Borsig or Rathenau have founded world concerns in Berlin. Furtwängler, Karajan, Abbado have lead the Berlin Philharmonic. Long before Hollywood, Fritz Lang created the first dream factory in the Weißensee film studios. We are not allowed to squander this great heritage.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]