Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Martin Hess, February 17, 2022, Interior Minister Faeser

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/17, pp. 1239-1240.

Right honorable Frau President. Esteemed colleagues.

The Interior Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, and thereby the service chief of the Bund’s security authorities, is for all that apparently a friend of the Antifa. This is intolerable, especially for those officers who defend our state and our society in the street, and for that are attacked with bottles, stones and incendiaries by precisely those Antifa.

Beyond that, this minister also sets fully false priorities in the Interior policy because she herself apparently adheres to an extreme leftist influenced worldview. And therefore we need to clearly state one thing: The Federal Interior Minister is a security risk for Germany.

In regards the evaluation of demonstrations, she manifests an intolerable double morality: Protest friendly to the government is in order, yet protest critical of the government is defamed as extreme right. In regards the Fridays for Future gatherings, the Minister herself runs along and even makes advertising for it on Twitter, even though the initiators openly cooperate with leftist extremists. Yet when throughout the country hundreds of thousands of citizens peacefully protest against the government’s overdone Corona preventive measures, this Interior Minister calls upon the citizens’ representatives to renounce the right to demonstrate. To that I can quite clearly say only one thing: The right to demonstrate applies in democracies and especially for critics of the Government and we will let no one take that from us.

Also in regards the combating of extremism, we experience a massive miscalculation by the Interior Minister. The Minister declares rightist extremism to be the greatest danger and dedicates the highest priority to combating it. In the Interior Committee yesterday she even asserted in all seriousness that this was verified by the numbers, and in that regard is exactly the opposite correct.

According to Europol statistics, in Europe between 2015 and 2020 there were 26 rightist terrorist attacks with ten deaths; yet in the same time frame, Islamist terrorists perpetrated 107 attacks with 382 deaths. Of those posing a danger in Germany, we have 73 rightist extremists, yet 554 Islamists. And last year up to October, the Federal attorney-general introduced 210 investigative proceedings related to Islamist terror, yet only five investigations against rightist extremism.The Rizin bomb attack in Cologne alone would have been able to produce 13,500 fatalities and again as many wounded if it had not been prevented by our security authorities. These numbers therefore clearly confirm: Islamist terror is the greatest security danger in our country and to it we need to dedicate our top priority.

Here yesterday were the names of the victims in Hanau many times read aloud. The names of the victims of the Islamist terror attack at the Breitscheidplatz were not mentioned a single time in the Bundestag. Their names are: Anna and Georgiy Bagratuni, Sebastian Berlin, Nadia Cizmar, Dalia Elyakim, Christoph Herrlich, Fabrizia Di Lorenzo, Klaus Jacob, Angelika Klösters, Dorit Krebs, Lukasz Urban and Peter Völker. And I say one thing to you in all clarity: All victims of this barbaric Islamist terror have deserved our remembrance.

An Interior Minister who stubbornly refuses to name Islamist terror as the greatest security danger for Germany, she wants not to improve the security situation but to enforce her left-green ideology.

This also verifies Nancy Faeser’s proximity to leftist extremism, of which there can be no doubt. A few months prior to her appointment, she published a contribution in the “antifa” magazine. In this same edition, brutal leftist violence was justified as self-defense, our security authorities were defamed as accomplices of rightist extremists. Not even now is she prepared to distance herself from the “antifa” magazine; beyond that, she still in 2016 also let herself be photographed with Anitfa members. Who so openly demonstrates her nearness to leftist extremism cannot and ought not lead the Federal Interior Ministry.

The Interior Minister flatters the enemies of the police from the Antifa and denies authorization of the peaceful protest of critical citizens. She wants to censure or even shut down the platforms of the free exchange of opinion and she announces a coalition of the willing for yet more asylum immigration to Europe, even though her own security authorities massively warn of that. With all of it, she deliberately and consciously disdains the fundamental rights of freedom and the vital security interests of our country’s citizens.

Germany requires no Antifa minister, but an Interior Minister for whom the citizens’ freedom and security enjoy the top priority. And therefore the Interior Minister should vacate her chair as quickly as possible. A left-green-red ideologist

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr Hess.

is out of place in the house of the Federal Interior Ministry.


[trans: tem]