Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Carolin Bachmann, January 28, 2022, Right of First Refusal in Housing

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/15, pp. 1030-1031.

Frau President. Valued colleagues. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

We are occupied today with a motion of the Linke for the communal right of first refusal in the protection of milieu areas [kommunalen Vorkaufsrecht in Milieauschutzgebieten]. What is it about? An investor wants to purchase a house, renovate it and put it in shape. Actually something nice! Yet the Linke regard the investor basically as a greedy real estate shark. They want to introduce the exercise of the right of first refusal by communes with a suspicion of intentions to use contrary to preservation. They nevertheless ignore the verdict of the Federal Administrative Court of November of last year. It already subsists as a legal certainty. Your motion reveals your distorted relation to the administration of justice and with it to the state of law.

What would actually change in the housing market if your motion was carried? Would the relation between supply and demand change? No. Would the protected milieu houses demanded by you shine in brightness? No. Who wants to know how the nationalization of real estate affects the housing stock should book a trip to socialist Cuba.  

Your false interpretation of the right of first refusal again hits the taxpayer, creates not a square meter of housing space and does not stabilize rents.

The actual question is: Why is the housing market in the cities under pressure? There are three principal causes: First. Ever more one and two person dwellings are demanded. Second. People flee from the country to the cities. Third. The uncontrolled immigration additionally increases the demand.

            Kathrin Vogler (Linke): I well expected that that comes!

            Bernd Baumann (AfD): It is so!

Yet who are the needy who are referred to favorable housing space? They are the single parents, they are the solitary grandparents and they are the small and middle earners. And your solution shall be the protection of the milieu? How many protected milieu areas do you want to identify in Germany in the future so as to help all the needy? Do you really want the state to buy up house by house until we have a Cuban situation? While you build red-green castles in the air and dream of favorable housing space, you prevent investments and produce socialistic hovels.

Housing needs to be payable by all. I expect from politicians, exactly the same as from doctors, first the right diagnosis and then the right therapy. Do not continue to tinker with the symptoms. Finally go to the principal causes on the ground.

The AfD professes the social market economy and the protection of investments. We want to eliminate the principle causes of the housing emergency, you do not.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]