Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Rüdiger Lucassen, March 25, 2021, Bundeswehr in Afghanistan

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/218, p. 27565.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The Afghanistan debate for long no more revolves around Afghanistan. It is about the questions of how the Federal government conducts foreign policy, how the Federal government deals with the Bundeswehr on foreign missions and how the Federal government commits the lives of our servicemen [Soldaten]. The answer is: It does this without purpose or plan, and indeed for 20 geschlagenen years.

Ladies and gentlemen, in regards the question of the Afghanistan mission, there are two categories of people in Germany: The Dumb and the Knowing. The Dumb ever believe in the fairly tales of civil reconstruction, of a partnership with Afghan security forces, of the German responsibility for Afghanistan, and of the success of the international community. The Dumb even allow themselves to be persuaded that the Afghans would wait for the Pashtun version of the Basic Law – all of it only feel-good babble, recited so as to lull the red-green coalition partners and conceal the truth from the voters.

No reproach can be made of the Dumb, since they are, ja, dumb. Much worse is the second category of people: The Knowing, those who, despite all knowledge of the situation in Afghanistan, speak of “success”; those who, instead of a withdrawal strategy, preach palaver of sticking it out; those who thus, despite an assured ineffectuality, continue to send Soldaten into harm’s way in Afghanistan. And these people sit here on the government bench.

The truth is: All participating states in Afghanistan – even the Americans – want out; but none want to say it openly. One of the the last of the Federal government’s arguments is fidelity to the alliance. And naturally there is something in that. To simply get out would naturally be, like the Federal government ever warns, a sign of unreliability.

Permit me an interim remark. In regards NATO’s core duty, the defense of the countries and of the alliance, the Federal government for years proves itself to be of maximum unreliability. Is it their idea to adhere to their promises in Wales in connection with the defense budget so there be no need to simulate reliability in Afghanistan?

In addition, there already is a good example of a withdrawal: Canada. The Canadians left Afghanistan already in 2011 – not “simply so”, but in consultation with the allies – and today are as ever in NATO.

I have a daring idea for the Federal government. Do what normal governments do and make a normal policy for our country. Your job of course is not to wait for a call from Washington so as to learn what shall happen next. Take the initiative in the Afghanistan policy. Start with the withdrawal from the endless war, and assert yourselves with this international approach [und setzen Sie sich mit diesem Ansatz international durch].

Thank you.


[trans: tem]