Friday, April 30, 2021

Marc Jongen, April 22, 2021, Cultural Identity

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/224, pp. 28499-28500.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Patriotism, that is love of fatherland, was for me invariably vomit. I knew not what to make of Germany and do not know to this day.

Robert Habeck, of the Greens, a party which in all seriousness wants to install the Chancellor in Germany.

Next citation:

“A specific German culture, besides the language, is simply not identifiable.”

Aydan Özoğuz, SPD, former integration commissioner of the Federal government.

And a third: We all have in view the images of how Chancellor Merkel, at a CDU election party following the 2013 Bundestag election, indignantly disposed of a German flag into a corner.

Three scenes, one finding: A country in which the highest political representatives manifest such a mentality suffers from a serious derangement of identity, ladies and gentlemen.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): You surely know the history of the 20th Century,                    or?

While the ruling class and its opinion makers at every opportunity vehemently vouch for the identity of other peoples and cultures, for the identity of minorities in their own country, there yawns where one’s own should be at most only a black hole. And anyone who undertands positively the terms “Volk”, “Nation”, “kulturelle Identität” is in danger of being defamed as a “Nazi”.

In 2017, the Greens write to the German Cultural Council. I cite:

We support that in these theses – of the Cultural Council – the term “Leitkultur” be avoided. Since in culture there may be no boundaries which in the name of an alleged “cultural identity” may determine who belongs thereto and who not.

Dear Greens, are you not in a condition to grasp that cultural identity does not mean to be identified only with oneself, to allow no critical self-reflection, no cultural imports? Quite the contrary: Curiosity of the foreign, the ability to assimilate it, to be one’s own harshest critic: This has always belonged to the cultural identity of the Germans.

Yet open to the world and tolerant, as we have always gladly wanted it, can nevertheless only be he who knows where he stands, what are his heritage, his values and traditions. To all others pertains the old saw: Who is open to all is not quite solid.

When we are perfectly clear on this, yet do not self-consciously represent and demand a Leitkultur informed by tradition, then Germany becomes a container without quality which others will fill with their cultural identities and customs. They will thereby become those values, ostensibly so important to you, least of all to be observed. So much is clear.

We thus urgently require a process of cultural self-affirmation [Selbstvergewisserung] in Germany. Therefore, the AfD delegation demands a national action plan of cultural identity. The Federal government in consultation with the States should get this underway. The reconstruction of devastated buildings of cultural importance, according to the example of the Berlin Stadtsschloss or the Dresden Frauenkirche, should be a central point in the remembrance culture.

Because I already hear you scream at this theme, I say again: We do not want to abolish remembrance of the dark times of our history. They also belong there. But as the Swiss writer Adolf Muschg already said 40 years ago with regards to the Germans’ identity:

It is one thing…to subscribe to history’s receipt as an honest debtor. It is another to, at the same time, walk out on one’s own history.

Who can only think back as far as 1933, or lately as far back as German colonial history, lops off the deep historical realm from which we come and which the Briton Neil McGregor has so impressively re-worked in his fantastic exposition, “Germany – Memories of a Nation”. That, ladies and gentlemen, should also actually be possible as a properly German contribution, and it should become the self-evident cultural heritage [Bildungsgut] of all Germans.

And especially to counteract the deterioration of the language resulting from gendered speech, easy speech and other distortions like those in the daily order, we in addition demand a German academy for language and culture. With a seat in Berlin, it should consist of independent personalities who have made themselves servants of the German language and culture and who, following the example of the Académie française, will be elected to a life term. We are also open to good ideas from foreign countries when they also permit of being implemented with profit to us.

I come to conclusion. Ladies and gentlemen, with these motions [Drucksachen 19/28764, 28794] we are reacting to a leftist counter-revolution – of which colleague Renner has already spoken – which, with cancel culture, toppling of memorials and an ever more open disdain for the cultural contributions of the past, presently enters a heated phase. From Greens, Linke and SPD, we expect nothing other than the most vigorous rejection; for they are the political arm of this course of abolition of cultural Germany.

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Herr colleague, come to an end.

CDU and FDP on the other hand may today again have an opportunity to prove that they are not yet completely toppled over onto the left side.

Good luck!


[trans: tem]