Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Christine Anderson, April 8, 2021, Social Networks – International Control

AfD Kompakt, April 8, 2021

Even to consider controlling and guiding the social networks is a clear indication of a totalitarian disposition. That Heiko Maas has one such, he already showed as creator of the network enforcement act. He now seeks international collaboration with other governments.

The plan goes beyond a sheer censorship, which is already bad enough: Governments in the future shall help to form algorithms that will distinguish which entries by internet users will be displayed and which not. Naturally, this is directed primarily at disfavored opinions which displease the governing globalists. Already these days, objective facts will be quite subjectively evaluated as disinformation. Legitimate resistance [Berechtiger Widerstand] will be nipped in the bud, whether by means of censorship or state manipulation of algorithms on the internet, or by restrictive Corona measures which force the people into isolation, into the street.

The social networks, such as Facebook, should not play along with this game. With promises of the free exchange of opinion, they have brought themselves to a position of monopoly. They now appear, on the basis of their involvement with government policy, to subsequently change the conditions. This abuse of market power needs to be prevented. Anything other would not be compatible with the fundamentals of a free society.


[trans: tem]