Friday, April 23, 2021

Christian Wirth, April 15, 2021, Foreigner Central Registry

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/221, pp. 28070-28071.

Herr President. Worthy colleagues.

I am an optimistic man

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): What? But this is new! Optimism?

and quite gladly begin with a bit of praise – even for the Federal government; I am happy when even the Federal government learns – on the whole, this law is not bad at security.

Unfortunately, it has been much too long at the learning. The massive forms of social and asylum fraud which overburden our public accounts and immigration system were already for long recognized as, in the year 2015, our borders were overrun. You have just now arrived at the innovative idea that authority X and authority Y, which have to do with the same person, should draw on the same store of data. It gladdens us that you too have recognized that here you could have worked not only more efficiently, but also the massive fraud with multiple identities could be fought. “Could”, but just; since your entire bombastic plan of data centralization depends on one word: “can”.

I cite §8a: “The registry authority can arrange reconciliation in automatic form” – and this naturally only in regards a concrete suspicion. Ja, yet exactly such an automatic data reconciliation would of course be generally appropriate to initially establish a case of suspicion. It is thus all the same whether someone of fraudulent intent is registered in four different Federal States or whether someone by assuming a name – perhaps an Arabic one – has made a typing error. A regular automatic data reconciliation on a purely machine level, in regards which the compared data will again immediately be deleted after the proceeding, must here actually be self-evident and would be fungible per data protection law.

This discretionary provision saps a quite crucial purpose of the law. Certainly if §8a remains as you want it, you play into the hands of all NGOs, trafficker bands and still worse, who have made it their job to make it possible for fraudsters to attain much tax money.

Consultations in regards the assertion of grounds for asylum, for the delaying of processes and for the prevention of deportations, would at least become more difficult if all of these preventive measures had the often decisive, best as possible documentary store as a basis.  

In regards all of this precaution, it is naturally asked why you reckoned to make freely disposable something as sensible as the basis of asylum within this system. In the matter of an asylum decision, what most interests the authorities is simply whether asylum was warranted or not. Asylum for one reason is not less worthy than that for another reason.

Thanks to a short-sighted policy which makes possible the hauling service in the Mediterranean and the waving through to the border, in our country those truly in need of protection routinely meet their torturers and persecutors. To this also belongs the persecution in our country for religious or personal reasons which makes those affected at a minimum less welcome among other refugees from the same country; for example, a Christian belief or homosexuality.

The bases of asylum should be stored centrally, but with a special hurdle for data recall which will be discharged granted a concrete suspicion. This would do this law good and make the proceedings more secure – for all participants.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]