Thursday, April 22, 2021

Wolfgang Wiehle, April 15, 2021, Railroad Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/221, pp. 27945-27946.

Right honorable Frau President. Colleagues.

“The railroad will get it right” [Die Bahn soll’s richten”], that is the homely title of this debate. In an over-bidding competition of self-praise and wish-what-you-will talk, the AfD will nevertheless not participate.

            Detlef Müller (SPD-Chemnitz): You have no plan!

We know that the Bahn is good if it is about large transportation quantities or urban connections. The AfD however energetically rejects all ideas of a planned economy transportation transformation which will take mobility from very many people, because primarily for them it makes driving a car unaffordable.

It is right to boldly haul the Bahn into the 21st Century with digitalization and a good infrastructure. It will however not replace but can only supplement road transportation. Here, you are right, Herr Minister Scheuer, when you presume the AfD to be the last realists who recognize the significance of road transportation. Where the Bahn makes a good offer, the people will gladly transfer. A political compulsion hereto, the AfD rejects with complete distinction.

The coalition dishes up to us a celebratory motion for immediate approval. Thus you, with the majority in this house, want to greet all that you in any case exactly do and to demand of the government all that it in any case exactly plans. Not that all of this would be completely false, but its reach is plainly much too short. For example, there lacks any perspective of how the business structure of the German Bahn shall be reformed. Here, the immediate approval is only consistent, since the substance is simply lacking for a consultation in the committees.

In opposition to this fair weather motion, we of the AfD are occupying ourselves literally with how just for once the Bahn can be made weather-proof. Customers will only trust the Bahn when it really runs reliably. Thus the disaster of winter’s impact in February may not be repeated.

Naturally can the winter become so harsh that all trains no more run. Yet it may not from the outset simply be that important stretches of the Bahn will for days not be cleared, with all consequences for transportation of persons and goods. Therefore the AfD demands a very high priority for the availability of the railway infrastructure and penalties if this is not met.

Where the coalition speaks of “ambitious climate protection goals”, the Greens in their motion throw in a shovel and demand with these same words an “ambitious implementation”.

            Matthias Gastel (Greens): Ach! Unbelievable!           

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): Madness!

For the Deutschlandtakt you demand the state economy, even for long-distance transportation. And to your ideological control of transportation is added: Increase of the trucking fee, price increases for diesel fuels, massive cuts in the roads infrastructure and much more.

That also goes for travel if in any case this party takes part in the next Federal government. I say this quite clearly from the side of the AfD, since we are truly the only ones who have no coalition plans with the Greens for the time after the Bundestag election.

            Steffi Lemke ( Greens): That would also not be tolerated by us!

The FDP motion which today is up for approval, in regards Bahn reform, construction and infrastructure availability, goes in the right direction and also meets with the approval of the AfD delegation.

The Bahn is no cure-all. But with digitalization and a targeted construction of its strengths, it is the right alternative for many. Then by free decision it will be gladly used. The AfD aims at exactly that.

           Steffi Lemke ( Greens): You may be surprised. Absolutely no one wants a                               coalition with you.


[trans: tem]