Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Alexander Gauland, April 6, 2021, EU and Turkey

AfD Kompakt, April 6, 2021

The EU-Turkey agreement has failed. The EU has made itself liable to extortion and Erdogan makes maximum use of this circumstance. It is nonsense to negotiate with him for a prolongation or even a new edition of the agreement. The tribute payments to the Turkish ruler must be ended immediately.

While it pays court to Erdogan, the EU leaves its member state Greece alone to defend the external borders. That too must have an end.

The money, principally from the purse of the German taxpayer, which the EU remits to Ankara would be essentially better invested in an effective construction of an EU-wide border defense.

If the EU here continues to not meet its responsibility and, in exchange for money, prefers to shove this onto Turkey, it obviously loses in this area also its justification.


[trans: tem]