Monday, May 3, 2021

Martin Reichardt, April 23, 2021, Family Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/225, pp. 28664-28665. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

With Wednesday’s debate on the infection defense law, the AfD has documented that we are the only delegation which stands for the people’s freedom and self-responsibility in Germany. We are the only ones who want to defend our children from forced testing and obligatory masks. We are also the only party which stands for the traditional family of father, mother and children. This is not regressive, as we could hear recently in the public broadcasting, but most profoundly modern and a pledge for Germany’s future.

The AfD wants a real paradigm change in family policy.

            Grigorious Aggelidis (FDP): Back to the Kaiser Reich!

We want to place families at the center. Families in Germany need to again be valued; for they are the contributors [Leistungsträger] of our society. With the children, they are growing Germany’s future. Each morning they get to work; they thereby pay taxes and duties over-proportionately. We need to say to these fathers and mothers: You are the foundation of our statecraft.

The consequences of the demographic catastrophe become ever more obvious. For half a century Germany realizes one of the lowest birth rates worldwide. Instead of conducting an activist family policy, the government sets up mass immigration. 2 million people in the last six years have immigrated by means of the asylum system. This failed demographic policy of our government has cost billions of euros – money which is lacking for our families; money which might have been applied to a sustained promotion of families.

The AfD therefore demands that the Federal government introduce a family splitting: A splitting by which the number of children is yielded in the income tax and which will also relieve the single parent; a splitting by which an average family with three children simply pays no more corresponding taxes. For we also require a strong middle-class and middle-class families which again dare say yes to children and families.

Families with one or two children should also profit and we therefore want a family splitting and a child benefit [Kindergeld]. We need strong middle-class families which can again afford their own four walls. Of the 30 to 40 year olds, only every fourth lives in his own dwelling.

Sebastian Brehm (CDU/CSU): You have rejected the new home child benefit [Baukindergeld]!

And why? Because the insatiable state digs deep into the pockets of these people! The families are the milk cow of the nation.

Beyond that, we of the AfD wanted in this legislative period to relieve families as a whole, in that we have demanded an added value tax privilege of 7 percent on children’s products. And this has been rejected here by all delegations.

            Sebastian Brehm (CDU/CSU): Just not financed.

In 1988, the experts’ council for family questions demanded a family splitting. It demanded  family starter loans whereby families can better manage the early phase and be supported. None of these demands have been implemented in the last 30 years. Invariable only is the structural disregard for the social relations vis-à-vis families in Germany, and that is sad.

With our motions [Drucksachen 19/28763, 28795] for the introduction of a baby welcome loan and an interest-free child credit and for family splitting, we want to reduce this structural disregard vis-à-vis families. They should be at the center of all political management. I am happy with the family-friendly consultations in committee.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]