Saturday, March 13, 2021

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, March 5, 2021, Women's Freedoms

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/216, pp. 27218-27219.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

As in each year, World Women’s Day offers an occasion to draw up a balance. What has changed for women and girls in Germany, what for the good and what for the bad? The Corona crisis, like so many previous crises, wars, and natural catastrophes, has shown that women are irreplaceable contributors [Leistungsträger]. If the left side is listened to, Corona has led to a reversion to old role models, which is an unbearable devaluation of the performance of women and mothers in Germany.

Exactly the opposite is the case. Women are the heroes of Corona. Not only in the system relevant occupations, for example, hospitals, care facilities, kindergartens and food service, do they have their woman. They have also managed to bear the double burden of caring for their children and the occupational activity. They and not the government have kept this country in the running, and indeed together with excellent men and fathers. This is a master performance by the women, men and families in Germany and most certainly is no reversion to old role models.

            Katja Mast (SPD): You have not understood it!

As a catastrophic relapse into old times must much more be designated the loss of women’s freedoms in Germany, freedoms which were previously fought for through hundreds of years: The freedom to be at anytime able to stop in any chosen part of town without male accompaniment, to be able to go jogging alone, to be able to dress as one wants and not like veiled little girls; the freedom to be able to choose a husband, not to be compelled to marry or to share him with x number of wives; the freedom from being delivered over to the domestic violence of a tyrannical patriarch; the freedom to decide whether and which occupation one wants to enter into; whether one earns one’s own living or whether one is allowed out of the house only to go shopping accompanied by men as an unpaid, full-time, veiled servant.

That these freedoms of women in the 21st Century are endangered lies in your policy of unlimited migration from archaic cultural circles. By means of your politically correct, cultural sensible silences you make yourselves complicit – complicit in that these freedoms and rights of German women, hard fought for through the centuries, are endangered. Coming generations will most certainly not exult over your policy. Yet instead of concerning yourselves with the real problems of women in Germany, you even in 2020 prefer to conduct phantom debates: Debates on the gender-correct despoliation of the German language, on unisex bathrooms, and ever again the tiresome topic of women’s quotas. You there make victims of women where they absolutely are not, and you are ominously silent where they increasingly become victims. And in a way I can even understand that, because otherwise you would lose your livelihood’s justification, because your leftist Utopia would collapse upon itself like a house of cards – the Utopia in which the fight for women’s rights is compatible with the fight for mass immigration. Feminist multiculturalism, that is like a vegetarian slaughterhouse: Far from every reality of life.

Instead, you should recall the true meaning of World Women’s Day, the good and true fight of authentic women’s rights advocates and the result of those struggles: Freedom, protection from violence, equal justice. In 21st Century Germany, you unfortunately have enough to do with that; for all of that is at risk as a consequence of the mass immigration demanded by you. Therefore, finally open your eyes to the real problems of women in Germany, and conduct yourselves accordingly.

Many thanks.

            Kerstin Kassner (Linke): Was that just satire, or seriously meant?


[trans: tem]