Monday, March 8, 2021

Alexander Gauland, March 2, 2021, Merkel and Vaccination

AfD Kompakt, March 2, 2021

In view of the EU’s vaccination failures, interventions like those from Austria and Denmark are only logical.

The principal responsibility for the European vaccination disaster is borne by the Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

It was she who, against better advice, remained steadfast for an organization of vaccine procurement by the EU. That the inefficient EU bureaucracy is simply not to a sufficient degree capable of that was ignored on ideological grounds.

A more promising vaccine alliance of Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands, which had been initiated by Health Minister Spahn in the summer of 2020, was not further pursued at the direction of the Chancellor. National efforts were disparaged as “vaccine nationalism” and rejected.

The Chancellor’s ideologically driven policy, against all reason, has an additional time seriously damaged Germany and Europe.


[trans: tem]