Sunday, March 7, 2021

Wilhelm von Gottberg, February 24, 2021, Housing Market

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/211, pp. 26609-26610.

First, a critical word on the formulation for this current affairs hour: “Housing Market as Political Plaything” is besides the point. What the FDP means will be expressed in the second part of theme: “The Federal Government’s Support for Freedom and Property in the Housing Market”.

Politics must concern itself with the people. Whose basic requirements are no plaything. Private property promotes individual responsibility and guarantees a gradual independence of people. Property promotes people’s self-consciousness. All of our educational efforts for children and youth have the goal of bringing up self-reliant, self-conscious citizens.

Ladies and gentlemen, this educational goal can only be successful if independent thought [das Mitdenken] obtains the necessary material dimension. Therefore, freedom and property in the housing market must be a central concern for every Federal government.

The introduction of rent caps here in Berlin was blessed by a coalition led by the SPD – by the SPD which also co-governs in the Federal government. We must also register a further intensification of the rent brake and its prolongation until 2025, as a well as recognize a questionable reform of the housing property law which further curtails rights of individual owners. To this negative catalogue also belongs the reduction of the renovation assessment [Sanierungsumlage] to 8 percent or less. And the coming regulation of the construction code amendment allows to imagine nothing good in the future.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is to conceded: The just now specified negative catalogue shall make possible for a few high earners, of the greater number of people, dwelling rents of good value. Ladies and gentlemen of the left side of the house, you thereby neglect to observe the political fundamental of “measure and mean”.

If a small landlord in Berlin was today asked how his freedom and property rights were arranged, he would give a quite sobering answer. The past legislation has let both shrivel to a deplorable remainder. Frau Bayram of the Greens has clearly positioned herself in this question – I cite: “If we now cap the rents, expropriation will later be easier”. This perspective suits the recent foray of colleague Hofreiter, that the construction of new, single-family houses is to be forbidden.

A considerable portion of the colleagues on the left side of the plenum forget that certainly many of the small landlords purchase their housing units with money earned from work, and for that have for years foregone consumption. For these landlords it is thus in no way unproductive income, as is always asserted, but labor and skill have been provided which were invested in these dwellings. The Federal government is also obligated to protect these people.

Politics has to promote the general good. The peace of mind and sense of self-worth of a growing people decisively depend on four factors: On a dwelling which corresponds to their requirements, a harmonious partnership, a fulfilling occupation, and in the acknowledgment of their personal individuality.

Residence is of the highest priority and is a basic right…All circles of the population in their own ways strive for this. That ranges from freehold property to rental unit. The overcoming of the crisis in the housing market can only and alone be achieved by means of expansion of the housing supply.

For that, nevertheless, all who have the means, regardless whether home dweller or investor, require reliable parameters. They require the assurance that today’s rules also still matter for tomorrow. Only then do freedom and property become the driving powers which create prosperity. To write this in the album of all delegations, and especially those of the government coalition, must be the goal of this current affairs hour.



[trans: tem]