Thursday, March 11, 2021

Joana Cotar, March 5, 2021, Trust

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/216, pp. 27323-27324.

Frau President. Esteemed colleagues.

We are speaking in this current affairs hour of the loss of trust in democratic institutions and how that is to be counteracted. The colleagues preceding me have flourished big speeches; the lobby register shall finally come. For tracking how and where lobbyists attempt to acquire influence in the preparation of particular laws, it is in fact not suited; yet you think what should be, that we already somehow have, that is already suitable. Esteemed colleagues, do you really believe that? I do not.

What do you believe the people think of when listening to Health Minister Spahn who says: “Stay home! Corona is dangerous. No social fraternizing!”, and must read that this particular health minister on the same evening has met with businessmen for dinner, the masks worn only for memorial photographs, and that the participants had been required to pay 9,999 euros – as we have heard; since at 10,000, the names must be published.

            Otto Fricke (FDP): No! Over 10,000, Frau colleague! One should at                                         least know that!

A lucrative evening for the Health Minister – a quite dreary hour for the credibility of politics!

And what does the citizen think when he hears the name of Andreas Scheuer? Toll disaster, an endless, embarrassing list of failures, a devastating critique from the Federal Audit Authority and a subsequently imposed security classification so that the dirty business does not come to the light of day. The Transportation Minister’s failures will cost the taxpayer over half a billion euros – of lost trust, we must here simply not begin to speak.

And what does the citizen think of when he hears the name of Philipp Amthor? Not of 30, but how share options and director posts are received as a reward for favors…Further: Georg Nüsslein, assistant chairman of the CDU/CSU Bundestag delegation, who shall have cooperated in the illegal sale of masks; Axel Fisher, CDU Bundestag member, accused of corruption; Nikolas Löbel, CDU Bundestag member, the third of the bunch.

           Götz Frömming (AfD): An entire nest!

How much trust is lost by students who themselves write their doctoral work and then notice that it is otherwise; who see that plagiarism by our Family Minister Giffey simply has no effects, other than she “voluntarily” renounced her doctorate title – how noble of her!

Yet all of that can still be topped! Ursula von der Leyen, our former Defense Minister, for her consultants affair, in regards which all cell phone data has been deleted – so that nothing can be tracked – has not been punished, no, she has been rewarded with the position of President of the European Commission – an office for which she has not even stood for election. Yet Frau von der Leyen is at least consistent and has in her first crisis also completely failed – congratulations.

And you ask in all seriousness how so the citizens no more trust and believe you! And you believe you may settle that with a register? How shall the citizens trust politicians who only look after their own advantage,

            Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): What is it then with Frau Weidel?

who for their failures need fear no consequences? Earlier, ministers had apologized and had taken their leave – today, Pattex [super glue] politicians lack the stature for a resignation.

            Bitta Haßelmann (Greens): Frau Weidel! How about her party contributions                            affair?

How shall the citizens trust politicians who denigrate them when they criticize the present policy, who call them “Dunkeldeutsche”, “Pack” [rabble], and “Idioten”? How shall the citizens trust politicians who drive laws at a pig’s trot through the Bundestag, without time for consultation; laws which are stuck in other laws like spyware because you are afraid of public debate; who let Huawei sponsor political party days and naturally cannot subsequently decide on the exclusion of this concern from the construction of networks;

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Embarassing!

whose laws are routinely annulled by the Federal Constitutional Court because they are unconstitutional;

Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): What do you do? Party contributions! If one sits                            in a glass house, one should not throw stones!

who regard the basic rights to be privileges which can be distributed at discretion;

            Matthias Bartke (SPD): Who then has written this speech?

who no more come to the most important decisions of the Corona policy here in the Bundestag, but in the Chancellor’s Office; who make an admirer of Mao an important counselor to the government in the Corona crisis; and who shortly before the elections, sic the politically instrumentalized Constitution Defense on the largest opposition party – because you are afraid for your positions and power – and who thereby still fail at court and today have yourselves to blame to the bone, ladies and gentlemen.

Nein, esteemed colleagues, you do not thus create trust, thus the people are lost. And you still do not even notice that. Germany deserves something better than you and your politics; no register will change anything of that. Election Day is payday! One thing I promise you: You do not belittle us of the AfD, and not with a marionette by the name of Haldenwang.

Many thanks.



[trans: tem]