Monday, March 15, 2021

Jürgen Braun, March 4, 2021, Myanmar

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/215, pp. 27092-27093. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear colleagues.           

Steffi Lemke (Greens): That’s “Frau Präsidentin”! Deal with it!

– Generic masculine. All of it is in order.

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): Nein! It’s “Frau Präsidentin”!

It is all the German language. Dear colleagues, when you become so agitated, then I notice: I somehow seem to have touched a nerve with you, that you have a problem with the German language.

Steffi Lemke (Greens): You have a giant problem with women! You have no understanding with women, that is your thing!

This must for once be stated clearly. The German language offers many possibilities, and I choose the correct one.

In Myanmar, the military has by means of a putsch returned to power. Demonstrations were mercilessly beaten down, today alone 38 deaths have been reported, many severely and most severely wounded – an oppressive situation, for the people of Myanmar, the former Burma.

The great majority of the people support Aung San Suu Kyi. I could experience how it goes in Myanmar, as I was there as a private person for several weeks. Merchants and tradesmen in Rangoon, restaurant leaseholders and fishermen on the Inle Lake, teachers and workers in New Bagan – I spoke with people of quite different social classes. An impressive majority support Suu Kyi. Most of them have pictures of her in their homes, at work. She is the legitimate head of government. Quite clearly, that was the feeling – of the people in the country, not in a party central office, not in a German foundation, not in an NGO, but of the normal people in Burma or Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi has a strong standing amongst the people. She is the daughter of the freedom hero Aung San and she has acquired her own reputation as a hero of freedom – years long house arrest, at the time, under a leftist military dictatorship.

            Margarete Bause (Greens): A “leftist military dictatorship”?

Her 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, conferred expressly for her commitment to human rights, she could not personally receive – house arrest, travel ban.

What as idol she was then, even for the old parties, and how she has been forsaken in recent years by the old parties. The democratically legitimated election winner in Burma was in foreign countries overloaded with expectations which no one, absolutely no one, can fulfill. Typical of the Greens and the left-greens: To expect from all others superhuman accomplishments, yet themselves to accomplish nothing.

To govern in the multi-ethnic state of Burma, in forced cooperation with the Communist military, that is highly complex. To govern in Burma is not as simple as in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin-Mitte or München-Schwabing; for a brief moment, to save the world over Latte Macchiato and Prosecco. Yet in the leftist hyper-morality, it is all the same.

The old parties and the Federal government mistake the realities of the world. In common with other leftist governments, they wanted to compel Aung San Suu Kyi and her government to naturalize, in a moment, more that one million Bengalis, people who do not belong to the Staatsvolk, people whose families often do not come from Burma, who shall be artificially made into citizens of the state. The diplomatic barrage pertaining thereto was ardently stirred up by an Islamist block of states in the United Nations, and in which the Federal government has been complicit. This weakened the legitimate Burmese government. And now there is a leftist military dictatorship, a Communist dictatorship under a tight bond to the Communist leadership in Peking. The old parties gathered here in the Bundestag must let themselves ask how much responsibility they bear for this bloodshed.

A possible solution for Myanmar could lie in the ASEAN states’ policy; exceptionally, I am here of an opinion with Herr Maas. The Southeast Asian states are seeking to pacify the conflict in Myanmar; for they have an interest in that Myanmar remain a strong partner – against Chinese influence and also against the Communist military. The solution therein is not the green-leftist claims which are unrealistic and incapable of being fulfilled.

The AfD is the only delegation that consistently and nevertheless not uncritically stands by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Suu Kyi. Even Aung San Suu Kyi cannot work a miracle, but a majority of her Staatsvolk acknowledge her policy. The leftist governments of Europe have abandoned this woman, the United Nations have abandoned her, the Federal government has abandoned her.

Would that it be otherwise, that the military not be trusted to lay hands on the fragile plant of democracy in Burma. Yet the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was left alone. She is and remains the hope of all democrats. We, the AfD delegation, stand at the side of the peaceful democrats in Myanmar.



[trans: tem]