Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tobias Rausch, March 11, 2021, Broadcasting Contribution

Sachsen-Anhalt Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/21, p. 24.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleague members.

Today we discuss the presented motions. Herr Sturm has directly pursued this. Each will still have in memory the discussions concerning the broadcasting contribution [Rundfunkbeiträge]; they were conducted with much controversy in the last December plenary session and in the preceding half year. There were therein discussions on the increased salaries of the directors, on non-scale payment and other various things. At that time, the SPD, Greens and Linke expressed themselves in the feature pages as being in favor of an increase of the broadcasting contribution. The CDU was of the opinion that the contribution should be kept stable; since – as Herr Kurze always so nicely says it – stable means stable. There were discussions to this extent.  

We have made clear that with us there will be no increase; for we want the Grundfunk and not the Rundfunk.

We want that the companies and independents need not continue to pay this compulsory charge. We primarily want that a reformation takes place, that it be narrowed and that one pays only for what one consumes and uses. We want to concern ourselves with these questions in connection with the next State contract. These are meanwhile put forward, namely in the MDR [Mitteldesutscher Rundfunk] State contract, which is about diverse things. We have held hearings on this and much was discussed. The hearing actually yielded that this State contract should not be agreed to because there were discrepancies therein. This is to be pursued but it would go beyond the area of the daily order’s topics.

It remains to be stated that the opinion in committee is emphatic to declare for the discharge of this motion of the Linke as well as of the AfD delegation’s motion, that is, of my delegation. The aim of our motion [Drucksache 7/6987] , that there is to be no increase, has been successfully implemented. On that, the parliament to be sure passed no resolution because the CDU has shirked from – what? Na ja – and Herr Minister-president Haseloff again had quasi withdrawn the draft. I think that is still not to be in Sachsen-Anhalt. This is a small success for us.

In principle I do not want to make it too long. There remains to say: In the mid-term, we for once attained that there is no increase. We will now await what the Administrative Court says. The public law institutions will initially continue to observe their duties; that was announced in the first decision. That must now be decided on. When that has been decided on, then we will likely discuss it in a similar context. We are eager for that. We will self-evidently vote for the resolution recommendation. – In this sense, I end my speech.


[trans: tem]