Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Christian Wirth, February 12, 2021, Federal Police

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/210, pp. 26538-26539.

Frau President. Sovereign house.

Herr Seehofer, I personally do not buy that for you the Federal police [Bundespolizei] are a jewel among the security authorities. I unfortunately believe that this is otherwise in the government environment. I believe that the Bundespolizei are rather the stepchild of the security authorities.

We are speaking of a law which – you have said it – is almost 20 years old; we are in the fifth year following the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision that extensive parts of this law are unconstitutional. So much for a jewel. So much for what the coalition delegations think of the opposition, and generally of this house, when this law will be placed at the disposal of the delegations just two days before the first reading.

Even though it was hard times for the Bundespolizei: Refugee crisis, terrorism, finally the control of the borders in the Corona crisis. We are grateful that the Bundespolizei, this outstanding team under an outstanding President Dieter Romann, has set right the Chancellor: Of course the borders can be closed. Despite the hatred from the leftist activist side, these officials have performed outstandingly. For that is meant the thanks of the AfD and the German people.

            Benjamin Strasser (FDP): Your own party does not applaud!

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU-Fulda): Your own troops are shocked!

You finally react to the Federal Constitutional Court’s criticism from the year 2016 and create a legal basis for the work of the Bundespolizei, which for years, if not for decades, has been overdue. Herr Minister Seehofer, you have named some of the contents: Surveillance of telecommunications, identification and localization of mobile phone cards, deployment of technical means against remotely controlled equipment, circulation of reports, residence bans and much more. This is all very praiseworthy and is about time.

It is clear – you have also named it – why the BMI [Federal Ministry for the Interior] wanted to give it the gas: Because the coalition partner, the SPD, ever again proves itself to be a security risk. On that account indeed, the coalition partner, by striking out essential parts of the draft, must bring in a basic version. You all know: The next coalition partner – presumably the Greens – will be a security policy fiasco.

The problem with the draft law is that it will not once correct the status quo; of vision, we simply just do not want to speak. You do so, as in many areas, as if there was no digital world. The area of cyber defense was completely removed from the draft – indeed under pressure from the SPD, as is ever again heard. Yet cyber attacks are in the civil as well as in the military area the greatest threat – transgressing borders – to which we are exposed. One may think of the criminal bands. One may think of states like China, Russia and North Korea.

We have heard this day in the Interior Committee from BKA [Federal Criminal Office] President Münch of how successfully our officials can fight when they are allowed; namely, in the control of the Emotet malware against the Ukrainian bandits. Yet this is plainly only in the way of official assistance; that is to say, if the BKA is in the position to reciprocate the official assistance of authorities of other countries and work together with them. Yet what is done if official assistance is not to be expected? Then the Bundespolizei is responsible [zuständig], yet not correspondingly set up [aufgestellt]. Here, we leave them in the lurch: No legal basis, as has been the case in both areas for 20 long years.

One must be able to discuss the controversial hackback; thus, the destruction of enemy servers across borders. One must also be able to discuss facial recognition. One cannot simply look away and act as if there was no criminal cyber world.Thus this draft law, doubtless well made, remains standing in yesterday.

Let us simply look three-quarters of a year ahead: There will be a new coalition partner. We thereon proceed that it will be the Greens. It is to be feared that Herr von Notz, with whom one can discuss on point, will fall victim to some gender quota

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU-Fulda): There is nothing for you without an                                    apocalypse!

and will unfortunately not become Interior Minister. What will happen? The Bundespolizei – like many security authorities – will become CO2-neutral. We may ride bicycles, and we will communicate with help of carrier pigeons and light signals.

Good night. Feel safe. Thanks.


[trans: tem]