Sunday, December 13, 2020

Martin Hess, December 10, 2020, Budget – Interior

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/199, pp. 25029-25030.

Right honorable Herr President. Honored colleagues.

A year ago in the budget debate, the Interior Minister sweet talked the security situation. I had then and since then have ever again pointed out that the situation in reality is desolate. Meanwhile the security of our citizens is still worse than a year ago because the Minister does not act; and that is unacceptable.   

Keyword “clan criminality”. Here, the Minister – must he simply, honestly himself do it – meanwhile has lost control. In Essen in the daytime, the enemy clans make the heaviest attacks with iron bars and clubs. The police there, in Frankfurt and other cities, are no longer in a position to establish quiet and order. Instead, the self-named justices of the peace from the Islamic parallel judiciary settle matters. In Berlin, the clans and bands without hesitation fight each other with firearms on the public street. The state does not even defend its own police. In Lower Saxony, a police officer saw herself forced to change residence because she was threatened by one violence-prone clan. If that is not a capitulation before clan criminality, what then is? The Minister must finally take seriously the massive threat of clan violence spreading over the country and stop these hardened criminals. I say it with entire clarity: An Interior Minister who does not do that is out of place.

Keyword “Islamist terror”. Islamists continue unhindered to murder in Germany and Europe. In Dresden, one posing a threat [Gefährder] committed a knife attack and, despite that, Gefährder still run freely around in our country. The Minister at least here – at least apparently – has associated himself with our demands and announced the arrest of Gefährder and the examination of the deportation of Syrian Gefährder. Yet I say to the Minister: In this country, surely enough has been examined. Now must it finally be done!

Key word “leftist extremism”. In Stuttgart and Leipzig, leftist extremists attempted to murder Corona demonstrators. Only with a warning shot can that in the meantime be prevented. In the Dannenröder Forest, leftist extremists attempted to kill police with tree branches. According to the estimate of officials, leftist extremism already oversteps the boundary of terrorism. And what does the Minister do? Instead of fighting leftist extremism, he squanders 1 billion euros on a fight against the right, places the officials of our security authorities under a suspicion of racism and even devotes a mission study to that. An end to that! We must finally concern ourselves with the true problems in our country and ought not to paint additional mirages on the wall. The Minister must set himself in defense of the officials and finally stop left-wing violence.

Keyword “immigrant criminality”. A special evaluation by the BKA [Federal Criminal Office] clearly shows: Asylum applicants and refugees are as suspects of brutal crimes over-represented by many times. From 2015 to 2019, they made up 13.3 percent of those suspected of severe and dangerous bodily injury and almost 15 percent for murder and manslaughter and that with a portion of the population of only 2 percent. A police colleague reported to me from a German city of middle size on the Syrians who lived there. He wrote to me: These groups meanwhile run through our city with long, wooden clubs. They band together by the dozens and lay siege to the inner cities. Others of unsuitable ethnicity will be harassed, threatened and thereby called upon to disappear – that is the reality on German streets.

Why does not the Interior Minister finally defend our borders? Why does he undertake nothing to improve the security situation? The security balance of this Interior Minister is devastating. Our state of law is in part so heavily damaged that it can no longer be repaired with budget increases. More money alone does not solve the massive security problems of our country. How many people then still must die, I ask, until this Interior Minister finally acts and does what he is there to do? I can thus only direct an appeal to him – he is unfortunately not here today: Finally defend the populace, clear away the terrorists and violent criminals and finally make our country safe again!

            (A shout: Nazi!)

That has really been worn thin.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): No word to you yourself.


[trans: tem]