German Bundestag,
Plenarprotokoll 19/196, pp. 24773-24774.
Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.
Anti-racism is one grievance to which I stand opposed. No
other judgment can be arrived at if one reads the debate pursued here today and
the utterly hysterical and in any case hypocritical bills of the Greens and the
Linke. You wish to attain a “peaceful and equal opportunity life together”. In
truth, you nevertheless divide society
Ulle Schauws (Greens): Says the righteous!
into the allegedly wicked, racist native inhabitants and the allegedly purely good, oppressed migrants and minorities.
Ulle Schauws (Greens): Have you just not listened?
This simple, black-white thinking is not sustained out of
love for mankind, as you yourselves and the publicity put forward, but from a
deep-seated, anti-German resentment and from cultural self-hatred. You thereby
ever more deepen the ethnic fault lines, the existence of which you deny.
We are already experiencing the consequences of your racism
mania. The police, who are routinely denounced by you as racist, will be abused,
spat upon, and in fact assaulted. Criminal bands of migrant youths lose any respect
for the them and feel themselves to be legitimated by you. Citizens do not dare
say one word of this because they may see themselves denounced as racist and
inhuman by the ruling ideology. That you often positively refer to the openly
violent and aggressive anti-white movement Black Lives Matter, which besides
has massively harmed blacks, speaks volumes and demonstrates your radical left
The French-Jewish philosopher Alain Finkelkraut has designated the ideology of anti-racism as the “communism of the 21st Century”.
Ulle Schauws (Greens): Yes exactly!
Under the pretense of equality, this ideology strives for
the destruction of European civilization. The proof of that we see in the
streets of the U.S.A. and also already to a horrifying degree here in this
It is indeed interesting that the racism of non-white actors, of before all the Arab-Islamist anti-semitism, will be completely omitted from the anti-racist ideology.
Stefan Keuter (AfD): Hear, hear!
Not a word of that in your motions! You provide ideological
legitimization for a migration policy which hauls en masse a genuine anti-semitism
into the country. The Jews are the first victims of your anti-racism. Your
speeches against anti-semitism are thus pure hypocrisy.
Similarly, you now wish to erase the word “racism” from the Basic Law…Just as sex in the gender ideology, and all other natural distinctions between people, are to be only a wicked social construct.
Franziska Brantner (Greens): What nonsense!
It can nevertheless be discussed whether the term “race”
today is still appropriate. Yet it does not make seeing and naming natural
distinctions racist; what is racist is a claim to superiority from which is to
be derived an oppression. We must return to this proper sense of racism, ladies
and gentlemen.
It has already been said: It was the fathers and mothers of the Basic Law who, before the background of the Nazi barbarism, turned themselves against any discrimination. And who were assuredly better democrats than you.
Ulle Schauws (Greens): What?
Franziska Brantner (Greens): Oh!
Your world-view is daily disproved. If Germany is as racist as you assert, how is it then that hundreds of thousands of migrants demand admittance here and for that pay the smugglers thousands of dollars? In truth, we nevertheless live in the least racist Germany of all time. That is also indicated by the many well integrated immigrants.
Marianne Schieder (SPD): That does not please you, or?
That is the real contrast to your grotesque nightmares.
The government however is unfortunately not one bit better than the leftist radicals in this house. While all around, Islamists cut off heads and leftist extremists lay waste to entire streets, the cabinet the day before yesterday decided on a catalog of measures against racism
Petra Sitte (Linke): That is just absurd, that comparison! Completely absurd!
and an additional billion for the fight against the right;
among others, for the “Stasi-Antonio-Foundation”, for the Antifa. That is a
regular re-education program for the population.
If you – I come to a conclusion – really wish to de-toxify the climate in this country, then stop the national action plan against racism, stop also these programs,
Franziska Brantner (Greens): We stop you and nothing else!
and concern yourselves with the real problems of this
Many thanks.
[trans: tem]