Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Gerold Otten, December 17, 2020, Armed Drones

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/202, pp. 25458-25459.

Herr President. Right honorable colleagues.

We have certainly heard an emotional speech. In the past months and years in many forums, the necessity of armed drones was discussed. The conclusion was represented, as has been heard, by a hearing in the Bundestag.

A few days ago however, the SPD notices that the previous debate might be too much confined to the protection of our soldiers. The war in Bergkarabach however now shows that armed drones are able to be used as offensive weapons, according to colleague Heinrich of the SPD.

Ladies and gentlemen, what you there deliver up, that is the SPD’s security policy declaration of poverty. You could exactly so reject tanks, corvettes and combat aircraft; since these also are offensive weapons, if you so desire.

For all that, this acknowledgment includes two remarkable aspects:

First. The Union now completely stumbles over its argument that this weapons system served only the protection of our soldiers on a mission.

            Tobias Pflüger (Linke): Yes, that is the fairytale that they tell the entire time!

Second. The SPD leadership here reveals a frightening degree of ignorance. Or is it cold, political calculation? I know not which is more worthy of scorn.

            Siemtje Möller (SPD): The AfD!

A year ago already in this place I predicted in theory what has occurred in Bergkarabach. Armed drones are effective means for the reconnaissance, surveillance and combating of opposition forces.The Azerbaijanis owe their victory to the ability to identify and precisely attack enemy positions and war equipment, even better than artillery or combat aircraft are able, provided a real air defense is lacking.  

I thus summed this up at that time – and it still goes for today – : Protection for our soldiers results solely by means of a reconnaissance and operations potential on the battlefield. And for that are armed drones naturally the suitable means of air war.

Yet all that shows: In the SPD delegation, there is not only a lack of expertise but every relation to reality has been lost, and that in the party which, with Helmut Schmidt or Georg Leber, presented renowned defense ministers to this country. Shame on you!

The SPD’s contortions can only be designated as schizophrenic. The day before yesterday, you declare yourselves against an arming of drones. Yesterday in the defense committee, you vote against a similar motion of the Linke party. This is surely a security policy wrong-way drive you are on here. Please explain that for once to our soldiers who you with your votes casually send on dangerous foreign missions to Afghanistan or Mali, those to whom you then however deny, according to partisan calculation, the means of defense against enemy attack.  

            Tobias Pflüger (Linke): It is not for that reason! But he does not understand that!

Ladies and gentlemen, the procurement of armed drones is a highly charged social topic. This alone clearly contradicts the thesis of a deficient public debate. The fact is: For more than a decade there has been a widespread campaign against armed drones driven forward by leftists and Greens and their comrades in conviction at the levers of publicized opinion.

The Union and the FDP knew already for more than ten years what is necessary; yet there governs here in the self-described political middle the fear, the fear of no longer being electable by a portion of a society mis-informed by the media and instrumentalized by party politics. For that reason was this decision postponed for more than a decade.

Now into the SPD again breaks the left lane. Mützenich’s and Borjans’s great fear is of being punished by the leftist voter clientele should a procurement of drones be agreed to. It is similarly so with the Greens: They also are victims of their own leftist and unworldly propaganda. And of much amusement, ladies and gentlemen of the Union, with your coming coalition partners.

How does it actually feel to have your heart’s defense project sunk by the SPD? And that, before all, against the background of you having fulfilled the SPD’s every wish in this legislative period, right up to the basic pension.

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): Unfortunately not.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Right up to self-abnegation.

Yet all that occurred to the chagrin of the Bundeswehr, its soldiers and the security of our country.

While many of our allied armed forces now operate these weapons systems, the Bundeswehr is now on the way to become a third-class army: Technically obsolete, materially looted, with a hollowed out personnel,

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): Yet you now again speak poorly of the Bundeswehr!

without ability to fight, not in a position to defend our home country. For that are you co-responsible.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): You speak poorly of the Bundeswehr!

We therefore demand of the SPD to return to the course of Realpolitik, a course which a Helmut Schmidt would have sailed.

I thank you for your attention.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): A very good speech!



[trans: tem]