Thursday, December 17, 2020

René Springer, December 11, 2020, Budget – Labor and Social

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/200, pp. 25148-25149.

Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The Grand Coalition has now praised itself for 50 long minutes and thereby completely forgotten to speak of the pink elephant which stands here in middle of the room. Therefore: Let us venture more reality! Just 15 million net taxpayers today finance an army of 5.5 million Hartz-IV recipients. That is almost the entire population of Denmark…

To these Hartz-IV recipients also belong over 2 million foreign citizens. Five years ago, it was almost 600,000 less.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): This time, he needed not 30 seconds!

I want to get to 10 seconds; I will work on it. – These 2 million non-Germans drawing benefits cost us approximately 13 billion euros per year, and the expenses for the asylum applicants and foreign social aid recipients are not even included in the accounting.

You here make mention of not one, single word of all that. You already have calloused hands from the mutual pats on the back for your basic pension, which you impudently name “respect pension’, for which you raise a one-time 1.3 billion euros, thus only one-tenth of what you pay foreign Hartz-IV recipients. You finish off our parents and grandparents with a poverty pension while, with utter irresponsibility, you throw away the fruits of their life’s work to all the world.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): That is what they do not want to hear!

From 2012 to 2019, thus in only seven years, around 4 million people from all the world have come to Germany. That is approximately the number of residents of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern taken together. Conversely, 3.4 million Germans, approximately the number of residents of Berlin, have left the country – mostly highly qualified experts, to find elsewhere better prospects than in a Merkeled-out country with the world’s highest load of taxes and duties.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): That is nevertheless fake news!

Today’s principal contributors flee and those who have built our prosperity suffer poverty. Since the Chancellor entered office, the number of pensioners referred to the social assistance has almost doubled. 1.3 million old-age pensioners must do additional work. They are the bottle collectors who unfortunately are seen ever more frequently in our city scenes…

And yet in the presented budget, you want the Federal government to undertake 100 percent of the housing costs for those new asylum applicants whom individual local authorities still wish in addition to take in, among which are some 200 localities of the Sea Bridge Initiative to be financed by the Antifa and other violence-ready leftists – besides others, by the Potsdam Oberbürgermeister, your SPD colleague, Herr Minister.

           Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): Yes, since that is nonsense, what you are                                                   saying here!

That means that mostly left-green governed localities, as so-called safe havens, now attract unauthorized asylum seekers into the country, while we, in regards a portending mass unemployment and a quarter-million obliged to depart Germany, much more need a deportation offensive.             

           Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): Take a peek at the Basic Law! Article 1! There is                                       nothing in there about “Germans”!

The German employee may then by means of the Federal budget fully finance the Hartz-IV and housing costs of these people while he himself must perform the greatest lifetime’s work of all European countries, receive the lowest pension and has the least wealth in the pocket.

You now want to expend in the coming year more than 164 billion euros for social policy. That is over 26 billion euros more than last year. This increase of 26 billion euros alone is more than the total you put into Education and Research and twice as much as what you want to expend for Families. That shows where your priorities lie. Your priorities are not situated as we of the AfD see it. You have turned our children into risks of poverty and our pensioners into the needy.

With this budget you have produced in black and white the proof that your policy has been directed against our own citizens. And that is the exact opposite of the policy which we of the AfD represent.

            Stefan Schimdt (Greens): You yourself do not believe that!

The AfD delegation rejects this budget.

Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): The lifetime’s work in Germany is not the greatest!                    He has no idea of the facts!


[trans: tem]