Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Markus Wagner, November 12, 2020, Deportation

Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 17/106, pp. 8-10.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Dresden, Paris, Vienna – Islamists move murderously through our cities. Beheadings, bombings, knife attacks – the deadly danger can, indeed shall strike even the quite normal citizen.

I say here as at the beginning: This Islam, by which the murderers have been motivated, does not belong to Germany. For me, this Islam will never belong to Germany, ladies and gentlemen.

The other European countries, even the left-liberal French President Macron, are waking right up. It becomes time that we now begin to defend freedom – clearly, decisively and with all the means of the state of law.  

It becomes time that we in no place give way – not before terror and bombs, nor when abruptly at the day-care in St. Martin the Festival of Lights is to be celebrated and no Santa Claus will be made, and in fact for the reason that Moslems do not celebrate Christmas.

Ladies and gentlemen, we do not give up our culture, we do not give up our values, we do not give up Europe, we do not give up Germany.

We shake hands with women and do not cover them up in burkas. We laugh at caricatures or we are annoyed, but we do not on that account kill innocent people. Certainly if we wish to be open – and we do want that – a self-aware conduct is required; neither exaggerated nor radical, and certainly not aggressive, but really self-aware and sovereign. We have every right in a calm way to be proud of our country. For that very reason though do we want so much, simply because it is better here. And for that very reason, I do not want that we do away with this, that we do away with ourselves, ladies and gentlemen.

If we do not want, out of fear of terror, to furtively surrender our rights of freedom by means of more surveillance, more Merkel barriers, more police, if we do not want to furtively lose our freedom because we no longer use certain routes at certain times because…young men or…the Party Scene hang out around there, then must we now act; calmly and sovereign, yet clearly, decisively and unequivocally.

When it concerns that action, I ask you: What today does the SPD have for that? Nothing. No motion, no draft law, nothing. The Greens never have anything for this theme anyhow. The CDU and the FDP at least demanded an hour of debate so as to speak. Yet a motion, a legal initiative? Not a sign.

To speak, ladies and gentlemen, is too little. We have thus done our legislative duties and put forward a six-page motion [Drucksache 17/11667] with extensive measures.

It is clear: We must reduce this threat by the numbers. According to the Constitution Defense, we already have 28,000 Islamists in the country, of whom alone are 2,060 a terrorist potential.

What is the origin of Islamists in our country? That is what you do not wish to hear; that is what you do not wish to see; that of which you do not want to speak. It is naturally the migration from these countries.

The first command: We must finally again protect our borders, as is normal for civilized states. We ultimately do not take the front door off the house and simply let anyone in. We thus must stop the inflow of those posing a threat.  

The second command: Just as we must stop the inflow, must we also increase the outflow; thus, deport.

For those of us of the AfD delegation, I say: Any foreign citizen who attracts notice as the result of a serious criminal act, extremism or a threat of terrorism, has forfeited his visitor rights. He must go, and indeed without exception, ladies and gentlemen. That we in Nordrhein-Westfalen under Armin Laschet have 375 of those posing a threat of Islamist terrorism and related persons among us, and of those in this year a total of six – literally, six – have been deported, is a scandalous deportation failure.

We have people here in this country who ostensibly fled the conditions at home and now want to enforce their crude world-view here; some, like many Moslem associations, without violence; others, with terror.

I say: Nein, we do not want that. I do not want that.

What on the other hand I do want is that, under your false policy, people with whom we feel ourselves united do not suffer. I speak of the well assimilated people of foreign origin living here. They are our colleagues and friends; those whose good name suffers because you do not throw out the criminals. I speak of enlightened and former Moslems who suffer in that, from the Greens into the ranks of the CDU, criticism of Islam is designated as Islamophobic or as racism or is denounced with other lethal language.

You leave in the lurch people like Hamed Abdel-Samad. Your policy endangers the freedom and lives of these courageous men and women, they who still actually take seriously the values of Europe.

        Berivan Aymaz (Greens): Stop speaking of freedom [Hören Sie auf, über                                Freiheit zu reden]!

And where in fact are we with the left-green buzzword “Islamophobic”? Ask for once Persian or Iranian friends, in so far as you have them. The Stone Age Islamist Ayatollah Khomeni defamed unveiled women as Islamophobic.

I ask you: Which agenda do you actually have if you label sceptics of Islam as Islamophobic? Is that simply only Islamic green behind the ears, or is that simply only stupid, ladies and gentlemen?

We must now finally cease to promote the agenda of the domestic Islamists from our own country – promoted by a vulgar tolerance, promoted by self-disavowal and extenuation.

When we implement border protection, deportation and a sovereign manner, we can do that. When we govern, we will do it.

I thank you.


[trans: tem]