Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Uwe Schulz, December 17, 2020, 5 G Technology

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/202, pp. 24565-24566.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Christmas mood in parliament. – The construction of the 5 G network in Germany progresses so slowly – and that is also good. My delegation regards a 5 G German Bundestag as an important future technology for town and country. We of the AfD have also always called in this place for security of rights and planning, whether or not it is about permission to deliver 5 G network components of Far Eastern firms close to the state. The Federal government has here the opportunity to create clarity in the present draft of the IT security law. It unfortunately again re-prints for itself one solution – yet that is only on the margin; of that, we may speak next year. Today it is about 5 G, although in another connection.

Dear colleagues, 5 G is a revolution for mobile data transfer. Yet many fellow citizens have reservations. The fear of radiation in regards mobile telephones is certainly great. The discussion began already in the mid-90s concerning earlier generations of mobile phones. Countless citizens initiatives had been promoted to prevent antenna installations. The courts today still have much to do in that regard.

Yet with 5 G the conflicts take on substantially new dimensions. Many experts, doctors and scientific organizations meanwhile demand clarification of the eventual dangers and they ask how the effects of electro-magnetic radiation are to be evaluated. Also, the scientific service of the European Parliament – it is there also – calls for comprehensive researches into the real or supposed danger of 5 G.

The bandwidth reserved for 5 G is especially large and not always serious. The considerations range from scientifically based arguments to lists of alleged occurences. There is talk of birds falling from the sky on account of 5 G radiation, and of dying trees. There were sworn testimonies of 5 G apocalypses; 5 G was designated as a radiation weapon and as an instrument of genocide. On the other side are interest groups which banish any negative 5 G effect directly into the realm of fairytales.

On the whole, the fronts between the two camps have hardened. The discussion concerning 5 G puts into the shadows the reservations which we already heard concerning 3 G and 4 G. Yet the fact is: There is no acknowledged evidence that 5 G harms the well-being of man, animal and nature. The fact however is: There are no independent studies which prove the harmlessness of 5 G

            Falko Mohrs (SPD): Rubbish!

and, before all, there are no studies which have focused on a long-term view.

All of us must be aware: 5 G technology can become the digital nerve center of our economy and infrastructure. Yet it is logical that the enormous potential of innovation will then first expand when 5 G is received and accepted by the citizens. And how is acceptance produced? By creating clarity and removing fear from the people.

            Falko Mohrs (SPD): That is ja your strength!

We therefore require a study, independent of business interests, which will provide us with an as great as possible transparency into the perhaps still present tricks and health hazards.

The study’s results and derivations, ladies and gentlemen, must be understandable for a wide public. Since very many citizens from all areas of society really do want to understand what it is about here. It will only so succeed by taking the wind out of the sails of frivolous, self-named “experts”. And should it be laid out at the end of the day that real medical problems can be associated with the employment of 5 G, then the Federal government similarly has a basis of argumentation for the required decisions and steps.   

Ladies and gentlemen, it is for us here in the German Bundestag to create clarity for our citizens. We must dissolve the reciprocal suspicions that exist between 5 G proponents and 5 G opponents. If we really want to bring forward the digitalization, we need secure data highways which will also be used and accepted. And we must guarantee that the 5 G infrastructure can grow uninterruptedly, in all cases in our country, without providing fodder for opinions, lawyers and courts.

I request that you support our motion [Drucksache 19/25308] and thereby demonstrate that you really do take seriously the needs of the people and at the same time show that the German Bundestag does not stand in the way of construction of the digital infrastructure.

May it be a beautiful Christmas festival for you. Many thanks.


[trans: tem]