Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Alexander Jungbluth, February 12, 2025, EU and Trump

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P10 CRE-REV(2025)02-12(3-0432-0000). 

Frau President. 

If we listen to the debate which we have conducted today, then we may state: There are actually two things to which we can confine ourselves: One is actually just the insulting of Donald Trump. He was designated as an autocrat, a capitalist monster, the U.S.A. finds itself on the way of a Neanderthal. And it goes further. We have one member here, for example, who said that he did not have all the plates in the cupboard. That is Frau Strack-Zimmermann who is after all chairman of the Defense Committee. Point one. 

Point two is the endless blathering because he has just withdrawn from the senseless Paris Accord, because he has withdrawn from the WHO. And I in fact ask myself: If all of that is in fact criticized and he is continually insulted, why would one actually believe that Donald Trump in any way listens to this house? 

Donald Trump finds the EU so unimportant that not even an Ursula von der Leyen was invited to his inauguration. And if that is not the case, what interest to a Donald Trump is it when some big mouth here in house insults him? That simply does not interest a Donald Trump. You really interest Donald Trump not at all. 


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Monday, February 17, 2025

Alice Weidel, February 11, 2025, A Future Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/212, pp. 27657-27660. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear colleagues. 

Green-red has failed. The citizens have enough of the ideological transformation of left-green sectarians as they sat here in the government. 

Katharina Dröge (Greens): This entangled, ideological undertone with which the speech begins!

Yet you also, Herr Merz, have already failed; since what you are pushing is deception of the voters. You will be able to implement nothing of your promises with red-green. That belongs to the truth. 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): This self-hypnosis!

You will thereby merely attain that the work of destruction driven to the extreme by your Angela Merkel and green-red will be continued in our country. 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): That is just weird!

And the reforms required to again bring Germany in order you will thereby only be able to needlessly delay but, Gott sei Dank, no longer prevent. The migration change, the economic, energy and taxation change, and the change of course in social policy will come. And it will only be possible with the Alternative für Deutschland. 

How would appear a Germany in which the Alternative für Deutschland as a governing party were involved in its program? 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): It would be Hell! 

            Manfred Todtenhausen (FDP): Gott bewahre uns!

It would be a Germany with secured borders and a border defense which effectively barred illegal migration and cross-border criminality, and let into the country only those who have a legal claim to residency in our country. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Otherwise, is everything in order with you?

It would be a Germany with a modernized asylum law which no longer opens the floodgates to abuse by illegal immigration, but is directed to the reception capacity of our country. 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): Even if you speak slowly, it is no less wicked,                                                what you’re saying!

This Germany would have a from the ground up reformed – 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Your delegation here is snoozing. Make it more exciting! 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): That is really malignant!

I do not know what you here are actually doing in the Bundestag. You, the Greens, what are you doing here actually? 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): What do you want?

You are at best only hecklers. 

Manuel Höferlin (FDP): Thus says the righteous!

You are at best only howlers. 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Look in the mirror!

This slobbering kindergarten here! What are you doing actually? You make politics against the people. 

Our Germany – as per our vision of the future – would have a from the ground up reformed residency and naturalization law which is open to all those who work here, pay taxes and identify themselves with the German national state, its culture and legal order, and want to make a positive contribution; which, however, consistently shows to the door notorious criminals, religious extremists, and all who wish to exploit its reception readiness. In this Germany, respect for the law and equality of all before the law would again have unconditional validity. 

Filiz Polat (Greens): Yet you are working with concealed symbols. What then are they for symbols?

It would be a country in which the citizens’ freedom is not just a lip service, but stands at the center of the order of laws and values. 

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Say what that is for symbols!

Frau President, this heckling! 

President Bärbel Bas: You can also say that of your own delegation which                        continually calls out. 

Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU, to Alice Weidel): You are very sensitive here! Take a peek at how quickly you become sensitive!

Your job, Frau President, is a neutral guidance of the presidency, and this slobbering in fact goes to the broadcasters. This is really painful, and these people have no business here in the Bundestag. They all have never worked in their life. You’ve never worked in your life. What are you doing here? 

We want a country in which the basic right of individuals of the right of defense against – 

It again continues exactly so. Get to work! From the week after next, you then have the opportunity for that, when you are further decimated. Go to work, find yourself a job! 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): A bit weak today! 

            Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens): Even your own people find that painful!

We want a country in which is the basic right of the individuals’ right of defense against state encroachment, and which is not misunderstood as an allotted act of grace which could be incumbent or be withdrawn at pleasure after it has been put over with tax-financed campaigns. 

Katharina Dröge (Greens): That makes no sense, what you put forward here. That is simply absurd!

The courts in this country have the foremost duty to pronounce uncorrupted, independent law, without regard to person or opinion. The filling of the highest judicial offices would be withdrawn from the influence of the parties, and the state prosecutors’ offices would be independent of the Justice Minister’s directions. Since the judiciary as the third power has to control and not confirm the executive. 

            Joe Weingarten (SPD): You can tell that to to your friend Donald.

The Constitution Defense and the domestic secret service would be fundamentally reformed. The citizenry, the entirety of the state’s citizens, is the sovereign, and should be able to give its vote not only in parliamentary elections but also be able to vote in peoples petitions and referendums on the central questions. 

We want direct democracy in Germany. 

President Bärbel Bas: Frau Dr. Weidel, do you allow an interim question                                    or interim remark?

No, the others have not.

In this country, there would be a multifarious media landscape which would vie to control the powerful, to keep in check precisely these, instead of serving as a megaphone. The competition would no longer be distorted by a plentiful public media sector, financed by compulsory fees, which has long since surrendered its journalistic independence. The broadcasting fees would be abolished. 

Tax money in this country would be levied frugally. A good government pays attention to what the citizen has earned by hard, grinding work, and claims no more of that than is unconditionally necessary for the fulfillment of its few core duties. A good government respects its citizens’ property, and does not appropriate it with asset, inheritance and invasive income, business and consumption taxes. 

A well governed state does not interdict and manipulate its citizens. It does not distribute its money to all the world, and not to ideological lobby groups 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You discriminate against only the minorities!

and favorites so as to purchase their servitude. It leaves in the taxpayer’s pocket as much net from gross as possible so that he can provide for himself, his family and his future. It does not meddle in his private lifestyle, and also not in the raising of his children. And it does not presume to ideologically indoctrinate the people from childhood to old age. 

Stefan Schmidt (Greens): What are you actually talking about here? A manometer!

A good government knows that the bürgerliche middle class and the business Mittelstand are the backbone of welfare, prosperity and Bürgerlichkeit in the country. A good government knows of business freedom, and it only attends to and is concerned that are guaranteed domestic and foreign security, the order of the state of law and a functioning infrastructure, a performance-oriented, ideologically neutral education system as well as social provision for those who are unable to help themselves.   

A functioning Germany would have its own, strong currency 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): The reichsmark!

which ensures that the national wealth created by the people remains in the country and retains its value. 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Then good night! 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): The D-mark, or what?

It would have its own independent central bank, a Bundesbank which does not permit the Politik to cold expropriate the citizens by way of inflation, the most unsozial of asset taxes. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Every reasonable person knows that that leads us economically to the abyss, the D-mark!

Without a functioning – now we are again with you – secure and advantageous energy supply, no flourishing economy! Germany has the highest energy prices worldwide because all of you here in this sovereign house have destroyed our energy infrastructure. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): You would be the downfall of the economy!

Instead of further destroying our landscape with much too expensive, highly subsidized wind mills and solar mirrors, which deliver no electricity during darkness and doldrum, a reasonable government would therefore the subventions monster – 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Here, you yourself need to laugh!

No, I laugh over you, because you are not able to behave yourself. You cannot behave yourself. You are guilty of that to your voters. Simply make serious policy. You’ve driven this country kaputt. For that, you will be punished by the voters. You will in the next sitting no longer sit here. 

A reasonable government would therefore stop the energy transition subventions monster, and indeed immediately, fortify the re-entry into nuclear power, and indeed immediately, and advantageous oil and natural gas 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens):…buy from Russia!

and buy it where is most advantageous. 

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): Putin now rejoices! Did he order that in your speech? 

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): You yourself do not take it seriously!

And a reasonable government would end a ruinous energy policy which only harms our own country. We will put an end to it. 

A good government would have a functioning army which would be taken seriously by allies and opponents, and a foreign policy which has considered balance and good economic and political relations with all neighbors and major powers. It would be a diplomacy which would not let itself be drawn into military conflicts, but enter as an honest broker for peace. It would have a foreign policy which continually has in view the interests of our own country, and with reason and skill represents, and does not make itself the laughing stock of the world with unworldly pedantry and moral-political megalomania. 

The conviction guides us that the sovereign national state is the foundation for democracy, freedom, welfare and self-determination. We know that politicians conscious of responsibility are the servants of the people in this country, and that the self-conscious representation of national interests is their foremost duty. We therefore enlist for a Germany which is based on respect for freedom, on the unconditional respect for law and equality before the law, and on unity in the defense of these values. 

That is our vision for Germany. Our hand is out-stretched 

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): To Russia!

for all who want to realize it with us. And it lies with you, whether you grasp this hand. Our beloved country has long since deserved it.


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Friday, February 14, 2025

Tino Chrupalla, February 11, 2025, Dismantlement of Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/212, pp. 27669-27671. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

With this plenary debate and with this sitting, we not only close the 20th legislative period of the German Bundestag, after three and a half years we’ve also finally overcome the Ampel experiment. After 16 years of the political standstill and initial dismantlement of Germany under Angela Merkel, since 2021 this coalition has implemented the most truly radical social and economic reconstruction of this country. 

Herr Chancellor, what now do you and your cabinet leave behind? In the election campaign, you want to clarify all of what you have accomplished; that, you’ve clearly done, ja, today in your speech. For our country, it would have been very good had you so self-consciously come forward in the past years as social democratic coalition leader and Federal Chancellor. Then of course the heap of fragments of your policy which you leave behind would be essentially smaller. 

And from the government’s representatives and indeed also from the FDP, Herr Dürr, I am missing a large portion of humility. You act as if you had nothing to do with what you have in fact brought forward. You signed the coalition contract, with all its points, which you and Herr Lindner now criticize. You collaborated. You have broken the back of the skilled trades, of the Mittelstand. You are co-responsible. And today you speak of “truth” and “responsibility”. You will get the receipt at the end of the month in the Bundestag election. I hope your party no longer belongs to this Bundestag. 

Trust in the Politik has sunk. Forty percent of those eligible to vote do not know what they shall vote for. 

            Judith Skudelny (FDP): FDP!

There plainly are still citizens outside the Berlin bubble, and these citizens want to see solutions for the problems. They want that the problems finally be addressed. They also have a claim to that, and for that, all of us in this parliament were elected. 

Yet instead of constructively developing Germany, you mutually obstruct yourselves. While you quarrel, the switches are being flipped for the future of Germany and of Europe, economically and politically. Facts are being made. Our European neighbors invest in research and further development of nuclear power. You meanwhile bring our country back to the pre-industrial age, and hope in wind and sun which, ja, send no invoice. That, we all see. You accept that with Nord Stream our critical infrastructure is destroyed, and you trouble yourself not once for an explanation; it is for you plainly all the same, Herr Merz. What’s more, Herr Habeck explains that Germany is not allowed to be one-sidedly dependent on Russia, while he one-sidedly buys fracking gas from the United States. Ladies and gentlemen, we meanwhile steer back into the Middle Ages. Only now we have wind mills and electro-autos, yet still no network structure or energy storage. 

In your excess zeal, Herr Habeck, together with your colleagues of the green parties, you have best serviced the lobby interests – this was important to you – of the firms and consultants. Nevertheless remain those who fell by the wayside, those who have to pay for these hysterical measures; namely, the citizens, the Mittelstand, the trades. 

We are meanwhile world’s champion of Verbot laws – see the heating law, see combustion engine Verbot – and I do not want to leave here unmentioned the Corona time –  and meanwhile taillight in regards economic growth and leader of the pack in regards state spending.   

For months and years, we of the Alternative für Deutschland were the only opposition in the German Bundestag, the corrective for this Federal government. I personally and my delegation, well before the beginning of this legislature, warned of the de-industrialization of Germany. That was just as well condemned by you, and by the media representatives inclined to you, as a conspiracy theory. 

And where do we stand today? The energy costs and the non-wage labor costs are too high, the bureaucracy is oppressive. For that, however, there is an inferior infrastructure. The Tagesschau yesterday added, cite: Experts had warned for years of a death of industry. And where was the Federal government? You narcissistically rode your hobby horse and played poker with our children’s future. Thus this Ampel government for long no more has a majority in the German people. 

That was also clear following the past plenary week. As a reaction to the horrific murders of children and adults, this Federal government was called upon to finally carry through measures for securing the borders, expulsion of criminals and a tightening up of the right of asylum. Herr Dürr, you have apparently also forgotten that. A quarter of your delegation did not vote for these things – so much for your party and delegation. 

The reactions since then, certainly also that of the Union delegation, speak for themselves. Herr Merz believes to be able to thereby take as his own the migration themes. In common with almost all other parties, the Union now does not tell tales of how security in this country can guaranteed, but of firewalls. That is important to you, that is your most important theme. 

Honored colleagues, you construct a firewall which ostracizes 20 percent of the voters, and 40 percent of the voters in the east. How long do you want to still hold onto this friend-foe model? Herr Merz, you are exactly so a politician of the past as is Olaf Scholz. 

            Julia Klöckner (CDU/CSU): And you were never one!

For us, one thing matters: Patience is the courage of composure [Geduld is der Mut der Gelassenheit]. For reality and actuality [Wirklichkeit], right honorable ladies and gentlemen, will overtake you all. Believe me, you’ve not acted for the welfare of the citizens. And that you at all reconsider domestic security in our country is our success; that is a success of the Alternative für Deutschland. 

We are the only opposition delegation in this house which directs its policy in the interests of Germany without first casting a glance at possible coalition partners, as Herr Merz has done. We will also after the election drive forward the discussion of a good migration policy. 

Basic prerequisites for that are and remain a good relation with as many as possible of all the world’s states, and before all things peace. We need to clearly formulate our interests, which the partners know and are primarily esteemed by us. Enough porcelain has been broken by the values-led Frau Baerbock. That is now at an end. Herr Mützenich, on February 23 the citizens will throw open the door to paradise. Election day is payday, Herr Mützenich. 

One thing is certain – I want to mention this in conclusion: In the year 2025, we no more require an eastern commissioner. The eastern commissioner is called Alternative für Deutschland. 

Many thanks.


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Monday, February 10, 2025

Bernd Baumann, January 31, 2025, The Firewall Dead

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/211, pp. 27529-27530. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Herr Merz, you wanted to bring in today at 10:30 a draft law for the limitation of migration. You wanted to take the lead in this country. 

Yet then you began again to hesitate and to trip, again negotiating with red-green, for three and a half hours. Every voter needs now understand: There is a fundamental change of migration policy only with the AfD. We stand fast, ladies and gentlemen, we do not trip, we do not cozy up to red-green. We overcome red-green; that is our goal.   

Already on Wednesday, there was an earthquake here in the Bundestag. The Union attempted for the first time to free itself from the embrace of left-green, and in a vote sought a majority beyond that. It was a majority with the votes of the AfD. We in common reached a majority, and immediately in the first attempt. Decisive was the cooperation of blue and black. And after the Bundestag election, this majority will be still greater – as a result of the AfD’s strength, Herr Merz. 

            Friedreich Merz (CSU/CSU): Forget it!

The journalists asked me afterwards: Herr Baumann, are you saying that the Union has now overtaken all of your migration points, even the turning back at the borders? What then distinguishes you from the Union? – Do you know what I answered? Yes, the Union has overtaken all points. Yet it still does not amount to what the Union promises in the election campaign. It comes to whether they are credible. And precisely that, they are not. They will form a coalition with SPD and Greens and implement nothing of what they promise. 

We were able to see the same after the successful vote on Wednesday. Here went a Friedrich Merz with trembling knees 

            Friedreich Merz (CSU/CSU): Ach du lieber Gott!

to the speaker’s podium and apologized to SPD and Greens that he received a majority for his own motion. That is today’s CDU: You do not stand, you stagger – how pitiful is that actually! 

Today the Union wants to place a proposal for migration limitation in the daily order, this time a draft law proposal. It’s about the residency law, strengthening the police, limitation of family reunion. Again all good demands, since it has renewed our demands – the Union has only copied them – and we will therefore again vote in favor. 

We vote in favor, yet the Union staggers. Daniel Günther, Minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein, already announces that today’s immigration limitation law will be stopped, at latest in the Bundesrat, by CDU State chiefs who vote against a law of their own party. And the Berlin CDU head of government has already expressed that. That says everything about this Union: They cannot be trusted, they are simply without credibility. 

It is not enough. Yesterday, ex-Chancellor Merkel also stabbed in the back her party friend Merz. She held it to be wrong if he brings in a law without previously negotiating with red-green, with red-green voting. Three-quarters – this, everyone out there needs to know – of these present-day Union members, as they sit here, were already with Merkel, are old-time Merkel servers, three-quarters of the present Union delegation, upon whom Merkel now calls for resistance – against one of their own laws. For what can the Union still be relied on? On simply nothing. This party is without credibility through and through. 

A glance at the Federal States in which the Union governs shows this. Nowhere there will more be deported than in left-green-governed States. Nowhere does the Union realize its election promises. The Union can be trusted neither in the States nor in the Bund; that, the voters need now know in regards the upcoming Bundestag election. 

The Union and Friedrich Merz now also assert that it is the present Aschaffenburg murders which have brought them to a reconsideration. Yet, Herr Merz, what then was with the many, many previous murders? Maria from Freiberg, in 2016 murdered by an Afghan. Mia from Kandel in 2017 killed by an Afghan. Susana in Wiesbaden: In 2018 killed by an Iraqi. And these are only the cases upon which the media has reported. The present total figures for asylum migrants indicate something quite different: For 2023 alone – these are the latest figures which are presented – 64 murders, 8,800 rapes and sexual assaults, and 56,000 cases of bodily harm. This has never interested you of the Union. And now, four weeks before the Bundestag election, you come to it. The present murders are thus not the reason for this reconsideration, just as little as the previous murders. It is alone the AfD’s success shortly before the Bundestag election. That drives the Union, and simply nothing at all otherwise.   

On account of all of these horrific acts of violence, we of the AfD have here ever again placed motions. First in 2017, we were just then in the parliament, an AfD motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. In 2020, a renewed motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. 2022, 2023, 2024 – rejected, rejected, rejected. How many people need die on your account, dear Union? You have them on your conscience. They are the dead of your firewall. 

Only the AfD can credibly and lastingly redeem Germany. 


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Friday, February 7, 2025

Christian Wirth, January 30, 2025, Migration, Public Safety, CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/210, pp. 27274-27275. 

Frau President. Valued colleagues. 

Ten years of catastrophic security policy in asylum questions, in questions of migration, in questions of the defense of borders, millions of people from countries of alien culture – Africa  and Arabic countries – expulsion of women, Jews, homosexuals from the public spaces, and exploding criminal acts – according to the criminal statistics – by those seeking protection. Suddenly, the voters experience that all the AfD has said, proposed and moved in the six weeks during the election campaign is really not inhumane, not “Nazi”, but thoroughly feasible – ja, if one has the political will, if one has a backbone. 

Why the change of mind? Because the migration policy and the security are for the voters in the election the most important criteria, and because the AfD’s polling numbers are rising. What is done against that besides the usual slander campaigns? I mention just “Correctiv” lies. Exactly, the AfD’s motions are copied. And for self-justification the AfD will be powerfully insulted in the motions. That is a novelty in the German Bundestag: Hate and agitation in resolution motions against the political opponent whose arguments are overtaken. 

Marc Henrichmann (CSU/CSU): Yet you want out of NATO, and out of the EU, and out of the euro!

Questioning one’s own policy of the last ten years? Non-existent. Yesterday, the vote was a test. Reason won, Germany won. 

Tomorrow it’s about the influx limitation law [Zustrombegrenzungsgesetz], a diligent gathering of our demands from two legislative periods. Yet it is already questionable whether the Union-governed States will grant to you, Herr Merz, the vote in favor in the Bundesrat. That is your true test as Chancellor and as party chairman. It may be doubted; since in the States govern the CDU’s diehards; namely, those who were politically socialized under Merkel, those who have internalized the Weiter-so, the “Wir Schaffen das”, the “Jetzt sind die halt da”. Those are for example the Minister-president Wüst in Nordrein-Westfalen and the Minister-president Günther in Schleswig-Holstein. That is also the governing Bürgermeister of Berlin, Kai Wegner. 

In regards deportations, the Union-governed States have poor quotas similar to the other States. And domestic security is primarily a State matter. Wüst and Wegner, CDU regents in Germany’s crime strongholds, stand directly for failure in domestic security. 

            Marc Henrichmann (CSU/CSU): Oh, man! Prejudices, prejudices!

The attacks in Solingen, Magdeburg and Aschaffenburg stand for that. Perpetrators who were umpteen times conspicuous, and despite the security authorities of the Bund and of the Union-governed States, have not gone into the net. The result: An embarrassing shoving-off between Bund and States and between the security authorities over the question of who is responsible. That was a show yesterday in the Interior Committee which cannot be imagined. 

Self-reflection and political responsibility? Non-existent. On that account was the vote yesterday so important. And on that account the vote tomorrow is important. Since the citizen again picks up on one thing: Without the AfD, there is no domestic security, and without the AfD there is no reasonable migration policy. 

Many thanks. Glück auf! 


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Monday, February 3, 2025

Marc Jongen, January 21, 2025, Digital Services Act

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P10 CRE-REV(2025)01-21(2-0148/0150-0000). 

Frau President. 

President Trump signs a decree for the protection of freedom of opinion. And the EU’s answer? Still more censorship. Is that just fear, or is it indeed panic in the face of the responsible citizens? Democracies do not act thus, thus act regimes. We are experiencing the introduction of an EUdSSR, ladies and gentlemen. More and more speakers here said, ja, quite openly, what it is about; namely, not about the fight against real criminal acts – for that, no DSA is needed – but that Elon Musk speaks with Alice Weidel. That is not allowed to be, the citizens could form their own picture and withdraw from the permanent propaganda of the state media. As we hear, there shall now be a seal of democracy for elections and countries which censor and surveille with especial diligence. Without that seal, elections will be annulled, as in Roumania, or next perhaps in Germany. That is Orwell pure. Please no longer the mouth the word Democracy. You defile this term and don’t even notice. From the leftist extremists here we expect nothing other. That the CDU does, which participates in the EVP – that is your betrayal of democracy and of Europe… 

Dear colleagues. 

The message I well hear, the belief alone I lack. We have in Germany state media which systematically discriminate against the opposition, the only opposition in the country – namely, the AfD. We are not invited on the talk shows, we are dramatically under-represented, and now when a discussion with our lead candidate in social media on X with Elon Musk occurs, there is then a great outcry. That is hypocrisy and that is a double standard; and against that, we defend ourselves. And that is democracy… 

(The President withdraws the word from the speaker.) 


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