German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/210, pp. 27274-27275.
Frau President. Valued colleagues.
Ten years of catastrophic security policy in asylum questions, in questions of migration, in questions of the defense of borders, millions of people from countries of alien culture – Africa and Arabic countries – expulsion of women, Jews, homosexuals from the public spaces, and exploding criminal acts – according to the criminal statistics – by those seeking protection. Suddenly, the voters experience that all the AfD has said, proposed and moved in the six weeks during the election campaign is really not inhumane, not “Nazi”, but thoroughly feasible – ja, if one has the political will, if one has a backbone.
Why the change of mind? Because the migration policy and the security are for the voters in the election the most important criteria, and because the AfD’s polling numbers are rising. What is done against that besides the usual slander campaigns? I mention just “Correctiv” lies. Exactly, the AfD’s motions are copied. And for self-justification the AfD will be powerfully insulted in the motions. That is a novelty in the German Bundestag: Hate and agitation in resolution motions against the political opponent whose arguments are overtaken.
Marc Henrichmann (CSU/CSU): Yet you
want out of NATO, and out of the EU, and out of the euro!
Questioning one’s own policy of the last ten years? Non-existent. Yesterday, the vote was a test. Reason won, Germany won.
Tomorrow it’s about the influx limitation law [Zustrombegrenzungsgesetz], a diligent gathering of our demands from two legislative periods. Yet it is already questionable whether the Union-governed States will grant to you, Herr Merz, the vote in favor in the Bundesrat. That is your true test as Chancellor and as party chairman. It may be doubted; since in the States govern the CDU’s diehards; namely, those who were politically socialized under Merkel, those who have internalized the Weiter-so, the “Wir Schaffen das”, the “Jetzt sind die halt da”. Those are for example the Minister-president Wüst in Nordrein-Westfalen and the Minister-president Günther in Schleswig-Holstein. That is also the governing Bürgermeister of Berlin, Kai Wegner.
In regards deportations, the Union-governed States have poor quotas similar to the other States. And domestic security is primarily a State matter. Wüst and Wegner, CDU regents in Germany’s crime strongholds, stand directly for failure in domestic security.
Marc Henrichmann
(CSU/CSU): Oh, man! Prejudices, prejudices!
The attacks in Solingen, Magdeburg and Aschaffenburg stand for that. Perpetrators who were umpteen times conspicuous, and despite the security authorities of the Bund and of the Union-governed States, have not gone into the net. The result: An embarrassing shoving-off between Bund and States and between the security authorities over the question of who is responsible. That was a show yesterday in the Interior Committee which cannot be imagined.
Self-reflection and political responsibility? Non-existent. On that account was the vote yesterday so important. And on that account the vote tomorrow is important. Since the citizen again picks up on one thing: Without the AfD, there is no domestic security, and without the AfD there is no reasonable migration policy.
Many thanks. Glück auf!
[trans: tem]