German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/211, pp. 27529-27530.
Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.
Herr Merz, you wanted to bring in today at 10:30 a draft law for the limitation of migration. You wanted to take the lead in this country.
Yet then you began again to hesitate and to trip, again negotiating with red-green, for three and a half hours. Every voter needs now understand: There is a fundamental change of migration policy only with the AfD. We stand fast, ladies and gentlemen, we do not trip, we do not cozy up to red-green. We overcome red-green; that is our goal.
Already on Wednesday, there was an earthquake here in the Bundestag. The Union attempted for the first time to free itself from the embrace of left-green, and in a vote sought a majority beyond that. It was a majority with the votes of the AfD. We in common reached a majority, and immediately in the first attempt. Decisive was the cooperation of blue and black. And after the Bundestag election, this majority will be still greater – as a result of the AfD’s strength, Herr Merz.
Merz (CSU/CSU): Forget it!
The journalists asked me afterwards: Herr Baumann, are you saying that the Union has now overtaken all of your migration points, even the turning back at the borders? What then distinguishes you from the Union? – Do you know what I answered? Yes, the Union has overtaken all points. Yet it still does not amount to what the Union promises in the election campaign. It comes to whether they are credible. And precisely that, they are not. They will form a coalition with SPD and Greens and implement nothing of what they promise.
We were able to see the same after the successful vote on Wednesday. Here went a Friedrich Merz with trembling knees
Merz (CSU/CSU): Ach du lieber Gott!
to the speaker’s podium and apologized to SPD and Greens that he received a majority for his own motion. That is today’s CDU: You do not stand, you stagger – how pitiful is that actually!
Today the Union wants to place a proposal for migration limitation in the daily order, this time a draft law proposal. It’s about the residency law, strengthening the police, limitation of family reunion. Again all good demands, since it has renewed our demands – the Union has only copied them – and we will therefore again vote in favor.
We vote in favor, yet the Union staggers. Daniel Günther, Minister-president of Schleswig-Holstein, already announces that today’s immigration limitation law will be stopped, at latest in the Bundesrat, by CDU State chiefs who vote against a law of their own party. And the Berlin CDU head of government has already expressed that. That says everything about this Union: They cannot be trusted, they are simply without credibility.
It is not enough. Yesterday, ex-Chancellor Merkel also stabbed in the back her party friend Merz. She held it to be wrong if he brings in a law without previously negotiating with red-green, with red-green voting. Three-quarters – this, everyone out there needs to know – of these present-day Union members, as they sit here, were already with Merkel, are old-time Merkel servers, three-quarters of the present Union delegation, upon whom Merkel now calls for resistance – against one of their own laws. For what can the Union still be relied on? On simply nothing. This party is without credibility through and through.
A glance at the Federal States in which the Union governs shows this. Nowhere there will more be deported than in left-green-governed States. Nowhere does the Union realize its election promises. The Union can be trusted neither in the States nor in the Bund; that, the voters need now know in regards the upcoming Bundestag election.
The Union and Friedrich Merz now also assert that it is the present Aschaffenburg murders which have brought them to a reconsideration. Yet, Herr Merz, what then was with the many, many previous murders? Maria from Freiberg, in 2016 murdered by an Afghan. Mia from Kandel in 2017 killed by an Afghan. Susana in Wiesbaden: In 2018 killed by an Iraqi. And these are only the cases upon which the media has reported. The present total figures for asylum migrants indicate something quite different: For 2023 alone – these are the latest figures which are presented – 64 murders, 8,800 rapes and sexual assaults, and 56,000 cases of bodily harm. This has never interested you of the Union. And now, four weeks before the Bundestag election, you come to it. The present murders are thus not the reason for this reconsideration, just as little as the previous murders. It is alone the AfD’s success shortly before the Bundestag election. That drives the Union, and simply nothing at all otherwise.
On account of all of these horrific acts of violence, we of the AfD have here ever again placed motions. First in 2017, we were just then in the parliament, an AfD motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. In 2020, a renewed motion for turning back at the borders – rejected by the CDU. 2022, 2023, 2024 – rejected, rejected, rejected. How many people need die on your account, dear Union? You have them on your conscience. They are the dead of your firewall.
Only the AfD can credibly and lastingly redeem Germany.
[trans: tem]