Monday, May 27, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, May 16, 2024, Political Violence and Social Division

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/169, 21767-21768. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

The attacks on members and sympathizers of all parties have assumed frightful proportions. We comprehensively condemn this. They need to be clarified and perpetrators unreservedly punished. I hereby appeal directly to all parties of this house and beyond. We thereby make no distinction. 

Nevertheless, many of you now again make it simple for yourselves and play the extremism card, as we have plainly heard from the minister. Yet with precisely this, the citizens are, ja, well acquainted: Once again, the AfD or Putin is guilty. It is besides the members of my party against whom in 2023 the most crimes of violence by far were committed, namely 86, Herr Klingsbeil, 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): From insects!

and here also is a singular case! That is a sorry record of violence against an opposition party which besides is not responsible for inflation, the increasing acts of violence, de-industrialization or the loss of prosperity. The responsibility lies with those who, quite open and uninhibited, carry the Antifa into parliament, or bellow in the streets with the Antifa, like the CDU’s Herr Wüst in front of the Brandenburg Gate. 

The dangers of a divided society have previously become manifest in Europe. An attack was earlier committed on Slovak Prime Minister Fico. The perpetrator shot him five times and inflicted life-threatening wounds on Fico. We most sharply condemn this attack and wish him a rapid recovery. The so far known reasons for the attack were indeed political. Unworthy in this regard again was the role of some, primarily the German media. Just yesterday stated – who else? – Der Spiegel that Robert Fico had poisoned the climate in his own country. 

            Gerold Otten (AfD): Perpetrator-victim reversal!

Where here then remains the human values? This reaction is irresponsible and absolutely sickening. 

The debate nevertheless needs to be conducted proportionately. We for example require no special statute for politicians. We are not the better ones. 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): Above all, not you!

We require no two class society. The security situation in the country needs to be generally questioned. The mood in Germany is, ja, over-heated. And yes, we all bear responsibility for that. 

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU-Fulda): You!

Primarily, the media has an accuracy obligation and bears responsibility. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): The media!

Since the Corona times at the latest Chancellors Merkel and Scholz and their ministers like Herr Lauterbach and also Herr Spahn have actively divided German society. All who questioned your so-called Corona preventive measures were insulted and stigmatized wholesale. Mask deals under the former Health Minster Spahn or business with vaccines by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen of the CDU, all were events which simply happened. And it goes further. Your Saxon SPD party friend Petra Köpping, as Social Minister in CDU Kretschmer’s cabinet in Saxony, in the midst of those difficult times, wanted to send citizens who did not voluntarily remain in quarantine – thus, cite: the unteachable – to psychiatric facilities. She even freed up capacity for that. 

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Good that in Baden-Baden scarcely anyone heard                        of that!

To read out the names of those in this house who have actively pushed the partially unreflective and full of fear vaccination propaganda, for that, my speaking time simply does not suffice. Where remains the clarification, the reappraisal? All was put off or prevented. 

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Speak on the theme.

You exacted all of this from the citizens, the German people. Yet they will not forget. All of this has massively damaged the credibility of all politicians. And much worse: The trust in the state, in the state organizations and institutions, has been thereby permanently shaken. Precisely these are the causes of the division in our country. For that, you bear the principal responsibility, ladies and gentlemen. 

It also does not help when you pour out the cornucopia over the citizens. Bürgergeld and child support [Alimente] are definitely not a plan for a secure future, just now before the elections. Your plan to thereby purchase trust needs to be paid for by generations after you. You dismantle the German business venue [Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland] step by step, and want to create one special fund after the next. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Of what are you actually speaking? It’s called “on previous theme”.

Instead of special debts, we require in this country finally investments in durable parameters like healthcare, education or communications infrastructure. Those are the expectations of which the businesses and citizens have of the state, ladies and gentlemen. 

What we today here have heard from Minister Paus: Who evaluates and classifies people and politicians in categories? Stop dividing and here in house distinguishing between democrats and the others. You of course thereby poison the climate ever further. Do you actually notice that? 

            Carlos Kasper (SPD): Do you still have courage for the truth?

We all of us recognize the free, democratic basic order, and are democratically 

            Kai Gehring (Greens): Gesichert rechtsextrem!

elected by the sovereign, the people. Finally tear down the walls in your heads and let us in common make policy for our citizens and Germany. 

That has Germany, that have our citizens deserved. 

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]