Monday, February 5, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, January 31, 2024, German Economy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19142-19144. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. Dear guests in the gallery. 

I want to begin with a citation – which is actually connected to your speech, Herr Mützenich, because you have just so presented us as if we would ruin the country – and in fact: “We businessmen have lost trust in the government.” The employers’ president, Rainer Dulger, said that to the FAZ

I need to say: Even to you on the government bench the alarm signals meanwhile should long since have arrived. Where remains, Herr Chancellor, your respect of which you have spoken so much in the election campaign, in regards to the farmers and citizens who for generations have kept running this economic engine of Germany? When one has no respect, then one does not love this country and that you show every day with your Federal government. 

It is precisely these people who elected all of us here, so to make Politik for Germany. You make Politik. Yet for whom do you actually make Politik, Frau Haßelmann? For the consulting firms with contracts in the millions in the energy transition area? For your arms lobby? For these people, there are billions of euros in money; yet not for the simple citizens, for those who work hard every day. 

Ladies and gentlemen, each tax euro needs first to be earned. Just then can we here decide where it can be well invested. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): You want out of the euro! An impoverishment program for the citizens! Ruin for business!

And I can only say that your central points are just not comprehensible; for the economic situation in Germany is desolate.

 In that regard, some salient points: Germany is the only G-7 state without economic growth. Germany in the second half of 2023 slid into a recession. The reasons for that are high energy costs, the green transformation and bad business conditions. The seriousness of the situation is obvious. Why otherwise do you yourselves as the Federal government, and also the ifo Insititute, reduce economic growth expectations for 2024? 

Und ja, now you come again with the international markets and wars of which we sadly again have to complain. In regard these, we as the Alternative für Deutschland have often sufficiently stated our position. We require peace, and we, like the citizens, want no more conflict of systems and ideologies. And precisely these wars are plainly not responsible that you as the Federal government continue to make allowance for local disadvantages which originate with you yourselves. 

Finally look outside the box, even if it is a strain, and clearly is also disillusioning for you. The firms are emigrating, or want to emigrate. When a businessman continually writes red figures, there is no possibility of obtaining more income than expense. 

A businessman needs to observe the applicable laws, and cannot simply go around. Only this government can do that, in that it wants to simply set aside the debt brake which it should protect against state indebtedness. In regards this economic balance, that is irresponsible and, before all things, harmful to the state. And it is – we saw it in the last budget – unconstitutional, what you are managing here in this country. 

Valued colleagues, the German economy lives on exports and good economic connections with all countries. On that, we are I think in this house agreed. Yet now the exports even to China and the U.S.A. break down. How actually can work for the citizens at all still pay when the basis for it is taken away? 

How many do you actually want to drive to feeding by the state? For some, it meanwhile appears gainful work scarcely still pays, thanks to the Bürgergeld. With all of these conditions, you as Ampel actors display neither humility nor insight. You therefore further drive a division in the society. 

Before all, you turn the responsibility around. That actually is the absolute hammer which we are currently experiencing here. Federal Finance Minister Lindner spoke on the weekend, that the AfD’s program would economically ruin Germany. Herr Habeck added: The AfD is poison for Germany as a business venue. Do you actually not see who the real poison in this country is? The citizens see that every day, in which they can no longer pay their bills, in which ever more businesses go bankrupt, in which ever more businesses emigrate and ever more citizens – farmers, tradesmen, Mittelstand – in this country are fed up, right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Then you here position yourself, Frau Haßelmann, and again pronounce the great psalm of democracy: “Never again is now”. I grant that you are right. “Never again is now” when media houses, conformed to the state almost as a second Stasi, are built up and set against the opposition. That also is “Never gain is now”. There was all of that already, and recalls the darkest times of our history. 

We are not nervous. The only ones who are nervous are you and, before all, the SPD, when I consider this year’s elections in Germany, the European election, the state legislative elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thüringen. You receive the receipt from the sovereign, the German citizens. I rejoice. Had you in this entire debate and campaign let the people of Correctiv for once research Cum-Ex or Nord Stream. Of that, we await the results here in parliament, for which you are still obliged. 

            Peter Boehringer (AfD): So it is! 

            Alice Weidel (AfD): So it is!

Who carried out these acts of terror? Who is responsible for the money squandering and the problems connected thereto in regards Cum-Ex? 

In this sense, valued colleagues, I say to you: The German economy lives from exports and good business connections. We of the AfD will commit ourselves to that Germany is again attractive as a business venue, and that Germany, before all things, again receives what it deserves: An orderly and reasonable government. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Out of the EU, out of the euro!

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]