Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Gereon Bollmann, April 21, 2023, Vaccination Harms

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/98, p. 11809. 

Frau President. Dear colleagues. Ladies and gentlemen in the tribune. Good morning!

It composes 22 pages, the concluding report for the health effects of Corona on children and youth. One should thus actually expect a comprehensive and complete clarification. Yet to me appears noteworthy is not what the report describes but what it keeps quiet. One perhaps recalls the 17 year old gymnast who, after the second BioNTech shot, needed a year in hospital. Valued colleagues of the CSU, here it is about the well-known Markus Söder shots and about vaccination harm. The theme of vaccination harm simply imposes itself.

Yet if the reader now leafs through these 22 pages so as to learn what the Federal government plans to do to clarify and comprehend the vaccination harms in regards children and youth, what it plans so as to at least prevent in the future the current harms, what it plans so as to compensate children and youth for vaccination harm, one is left thus disillusioned as to what was actually expected of you. Since of that is found simply nothing.

Now then, dear colleagues, I for once explain to you. – Listen well! Clarification never harms! – The Paul Ehrlich Institute up to February of this year registered 3,227 suspected cases of serious vaccination harm for 12 to 17 year olds. Even this horrific number does not describe the true extent. The doctors indeed need to report vaccination harms. Yet for that a doctor requires more than 30 minutes and that is still without fee! A clear legislative failure – a rogue who thinks it evil [ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt]. Professor Werner Bergholz – also known to you as an evaluator – has recently referred to the vaccination of 266 dead children in Europe and to over 15,000 serious side-effects. To be added of course is the large gray area.

A study published in the U.S.A. this year of 8,000 students from 12 years who received the second vaccination with the Pfizer preparation – I know that the numbers do not please you – yields for example a 17 percent indication of diverse kinds of heart damage; that is nearly every fifth child. With reference to the 12 to 17 year olds and their vaccination rate in Germany, this yields some 260,000 cases. That would be of the highest alarm – and the government turns away and even cloaks the shrill alarm clock with a mendacious concluding report.

Nein, it does not suffice, Herr Rix, that you have three times referred to the failures, to what has happened. These are no more than crocodile tears. We need clarification. Nothing is to be hushed up, hindrances to an understanding of vaccination harms must be removed, and the victims must be appropriately compensated. It’s bad enough that I here at all need to mention this.

            Leni Breymaier (SPD): You need not!

            Emilia Fester (Green): You could have spared yourself!


[trans: tem]