Monday, May 24, 2021

Sylvia Limmer, May 12, 2021, Climate Protection Law

AfD Kompakt, May 12, 2021

The governing parties know no scruple when it is about the enticement of the left-green disposed electorate. For that, they sacrifice the prosperity and well-being of our country. The BCG [Boston Consulting Group] study verifies that in all clarity. So as to adhere to the law, there may be, after 2030, thus already in eight and a half years, no new permissions for combustion engine autos. From 2023, thus in one and a half years, is no more new oil and gas heating allowed to be installed. With the new standards of emissions reduction, entire branches will be presented with nearly unsolvable problems. The chemical sector alone might need more green electricity than the entire present consumption of electricity in Germany. – So will a whole country be thrown to the feeding of the left-green Zeitgeist. The Climate Protection Law massively damages our economic performance and means an immense flood of costs for the citizens. Alone, the energy restoration of the building stock, which is still designated as being responsible for a third of CO2 emissions, would cause costs of up to almost a trillion euros with a CO2 reduction of up to the maximum of 95 percent by 2050. The irresponsible authors of the climate laws ought to be voted out as quickly as possible.


[trans: tem]