Friday, May 28, 2021

Rüdiger Lucassen, May 19, 2021, Bundeswehr in Mali

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/229, pp. 29305-29306.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The Federal government makes the same failures in Mali as in Afghanistan: No clear goal guidelines and no strategy with controllable way markers. The result in Mali will be the same as in Afghanistan: An ineluctable and total failure.

Ladies and gentlemen, what the Federal government is doing is not only politically false, it also violates the duty to care for our soldiers. For the first time, the Defense Ministry breaks with an iron rule; namely, that every wounded German soldier receives within one hour access to medical care on the level of a German community hospital, and even when his unit is under fire.

In Mali is this now no longer possible;

            Eberhard Brecht (SPD): Complete nonsense!

since for a time the rescue helicopters for the German expeditionary contingent will be provided by a civilian firm only. That means in clear text: Civilian helicopters with civilian pilots, without weapons and without defense. The Federal government itself says that the evacuation of the wounded will therefore only be possible from secured landing zones. And what if a German is fighting for his life and there are no secured landing zones? Dear soldiers, how the Federal government is dealing with you is a scandal.

This scandal, to commission a private company for the rescue of wounded German soldiers, also exposes the pitiful state of the Bundeswehr’s mission readiness. In the entire Bundeswehr, there appears to be no more than four helicopters capable of being sent to Mali for the protection of our soldiers. For that, the Federal government bears complete responsibility. Ladies and gentlemen, who has so ruined the mission readiness of his armed forces should all the more abstain from senseless foreign adventures.

The AfD holds the Bundeswehr’s foreign missions to be the fundamentally false means for making foreign policy. We are for the principle of non-intervention in the affairs of foreign states.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): And then complain of the consequences!

The international law expert Annalena Baerbock knows what high importance this principle has.

The AfD stands for a defense-ready armed forces for the protection of Germany and its allies. How important is defense readiness in case of attack, we these days see in Israel. This brings me to the following point: I wish the Israel Defense Forces much soldier’s luck and, especially for the Israeli air force in their search for the Hamas terror leaders, a good hunt and a fat bag [eine gute Jagd und fette Beute].

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): That is inhuman!

            Gabriela Heinrich (SPD): What a vocabulary!

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): Let that be shown, Frau President!


[trans: tem]