Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Beatrix von Storch, May 19, 2021, Anti-semitism

German Bundestag, May 19, 2021, Plenarprotokoll 19/229, pp. 29275-29276.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

We all have seen the pictures from Gelsenkirchen: Behind the flags of the Islamic half moon, a Moslem mob lets fly its Judenhass. The police do nothing. – At the same time, you now submit a 40 page report on anti-semitism in which you equate anti-semitism and hostility to Moslems. You put the Jews on the same level with the Moslem Judenhassern, the victims with the perpetrators. That is no fight against anti-semitism. That is anti-semitism.

Your Islam conference is in truth an Islamist conference. You are its helpers and useful idiots – pardon. Now, even to government spokesman Seibert comes a recognition in regards the unchained Moslem Judenhass – I may cite: In these days, it becomes clear to us: There is also a Moslem anti-semitism. – Congratulations. Welcome back to reality!

The inquiries amongst Jews show: In most of all cases, the violent attacks against Jews proceed overwhelmingly from Moslems.

            Gökay Akbulut (Linke): Look just for once at your own party!

Government spokesman Seibert now says after Gelsenkirchen that Jews can no longer move about freely in Germany. And what does Weber, the CSU man, now broadcast from his spaceship in Brussels? He sees the raging Moslem hordes and says: The AfD is guilty. – Na klar. That is a fight against the right which has become hallucinatory. You simply do not want to admit that the fuse which you have laid now ignites. With your immigration policy, you have imported Judenhass from the Near East to Germany.           

            Gökay Akbulut (Linke): Look for once at your ancestors!

At the U.N., the Federal government stands reliably as the ever true partner at the side of Islamic regimes and votes against Israel. The Federal government is one of the principal money donors for the Palestinian refugee aid organization, UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency]. In 2017 alone, 80 million euros for the Hamas infrastructure

            Gökay Akbulut (Linke): Look at your family!

and Islamist propaganda. And you tolerate the Moslem Brotherhood, Gray Wolves, BDS movement.  And now today comes the announcement that three Hezbollah associations have been banned

            Jan Korte (Linke): Clear up your family history before you give such                                    speeches here!

– the AfD works!

Jan Korte (Linke): Acquaint yourself with the plundering of other people from your history! It is so!

The BDS movement is the clasp between leftist and Moslem anti-semitism. This common front is directed against Israel, Germany and the West. It reaches from Iran to the Greens, from Hezbollah to Black Lives Matter, from Hamas to Fridays for Future. It was, besides those of the PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], principally the representatives of the BDS movement who had announced the violent Judenhass demonstrations on the weekends across Germany. This we had heard this morning in the Interior Committee from the Interior Ministry.

While Hamas fires thousands of rockets at Israel, Fridays for Future quite openly calls for the boycott of Israeli products. At the head of the boycott Israel movement is the climate icon of you all, Greta Thunberg! It is good that the mask now falls.

With your politically correct workshops and mendacious dialogue events, you will not stop the wave of Moslem Judenhass. It is thereby clear what must now happen: A ban on BDS, Moslem Brotherhood and Gray Wolves, stop the foreign financing of mosques, dissolve the Islam conference, and the payment to the UNRWA must be suspended.

Merkel says she will “not tolerate” the attacks. Seibert will “not accept” them. Schäuble finds it “unbearable”. Please finally stop with the German phrase dictionary and do something! If you wanted, you could. The problem is that you do not want to.

            Jan Korte (Linke): Better than Nazi phrases!

Many thanks.

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Now the debate may continue among us!

            Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens): A total excuse.

            Jan Korte (Linke): The family keeps the form!


[trans: tem]