Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tino Chrupalla, July 20, 2020, Violence against Police

Tino Chrupalla
Violence against Police
AfD Kompakt, July 20, 2020

[Tino Chrupalla is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and an AfD Bundestag member from the eastern German state of Saxony.]

What took place in Stuttgart a few weeks ago and now continues in Frankfurt must be seen as an intensification of rebellion against the Germans [Verschärfung des Aufbegehrens gegen die Deutschen], for whom the police stand in the streets as proxies. They thus now become a target of the anger of a dependent, migrant generation who reject integration into our society.

The responsibility for these riots is borne by those politicians and those in the media who in recent years have pandered to an uncontrolled, mass immigration and who attempt to put off an honest description of certain groups of perpetrators. In Stuttgart and Frankfurt, the “Party Scene” is not escalating; here, young men test out how much violence they can commit against the German police without being punished. That these violent perpetrators here have plenty of leeway is also due to the lack of political support. The constant racism accusation against the police unleashes against them an applied violence. There must now be an end to that. The Frankfurt police have already analyzed the problem with refreshing honesty and must now be able to perform their work. The necessary consequences are to be rapidly drawn from the occurrences so as to prevent further violent excesses.

[Translated by Todd Martin]