Saturday, July 11, 2020

Alice Weidel, July 3, 2020, Violence in Stuttgart

Alice Weidel
Violence in Stuttgart
German Bundestag, July 3, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/171, pp. 21491-21492

[Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland delegation in the German Bundestag as well as AfD chairman in the western German state of Baden-Württemberg.]

The rubble in Stuttgart’s inner city has been cleared away, the fragments of the shattered display windows and plundered shops swept up. Yet the shock still abides deeply with the police officers  who were attacked with maximum brutality by an organized mob and whose cudgeled colleagues are in the hospital, and with the citizens whose apparently peaceful city became over-night a showplace of scenes similar to civil war.

After the Stuttgart riot night [Krawallnacht], we cannot simply continue as before, as if there was no fundamental problem. Not only Stuttgart, every German city, the entire country has a problem; and that problem is not called racism, that problem is called political failure.

The violence on the streets of Stuttgart did not come out of the clear, blue sky. It was no Party and Event Scene having its fling. Rowdies and brawlers are not party people but criminals who must be strictly punished.

This trivialization is besides an insult to peaceful party goers, to bar patrons and club members suffering under the much too long and harsh lockdown and the continuing Corona restrictions. The mob in Stuttgart which challenged the state’s monopoly of force and made targeted attacks upon police officers as deputies of state authority was recruited from two groups: Aggressive, young men with migrant backgrounds and organized, violence-prone leftist extremists. Both are the fruit of a false, irresponsible policy.

An immigration which is in fact unlimited and uncontrolled has in the meantime lead to a situation in many German cities where there is a critical potential of young men, mainly from Islamic-oriental cultures, who more or less despise the German state and the majority society.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Lübcke’s murderer despised the state! Who donated 
            to you!

Along with that is the political and even in part publicly financed coddling of radical leftist groups which disguise themselves as fighters against the right. That has favored the formation of an organized and militant extreme leftist milieu which openly challenges the state of law and claims for itself areas free from the law.   

A majority of this house a few weeks ago refused to vote for a ban on leftist-terrorist Antifa groups.

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Now that is just idiotic!

The Stuttgart Krawallnacht is just one of the many receipts which are still to be presented.

And it is a receipt for the unexampled playing with fire which has increasingly gone about this country in recent weeks. The moral arsonists

            Helin Sommer (Linke): You are the moral arsonists!

are before all to be found on the green-red side of the political spectrum, unfortunately in this house – and by that I certainly mean you

            Helin Sommer (Linke): You are the moral  arsonists!

there, where one mindlessly acknowledges oneself to be a so-called Antifa, lying about its extreme leftist background, a dubious movement which is hostile to the state of law, and where the police and security forces are disassembled, accused of a general racism and placed under suspicion.

            Armin-Paulus Hampel (AfD): Go to the devil!

This irresponsible talk by all those who reject this state and legal order, with or without migrant background, with or without a German passport, is to be understood as an encouragement to experiment with revolt and civil war, just as we have seen.

A state which can no longer guarantee the security of its citizens, and cannot generally and at any time enforce law and statute, puts its own legitimacy at risk. For this duty, our police officers require more than lip service and good wishes; they require complete political backing!

            Helin Sommer (Linke): Not defined by you!

That is also called: A policy which without prejudice opposes anyone who posits extremism, who attacks the state of law and the public order, and expels from the country anyone who abuses the law of hospitality

            Helin Sommer (Linke): Who are here in house!

and attacks the state and its deputies.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Clean up your own act!

To openly address the facts and maldevelopments is the first step toward again enforcing the order of the state of law to its full extent. The Stuttgart Krawallnacht was also a wake up call with which to finally get started.

I am grateful.

            Helin Sommer (Linke): Shame on you!

Shame on you with your attack squad!

[Translated by Todd Martin]