Sunday, July 5, 2020

Alexander Gauland, July 1, 2020, Second German Presidency of EU Council

Alexander Gauland
Second German Presidency of EU Council
German Bundestag, July 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/169, pp. 21055-21056

[Alexander Gauland is honorary national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and a chairman of the AfD delegation in the Bundestag. Heiko Maas (SPD) is the German Foreign Minister. Article 125 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states in part: “A Member State shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of another Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific project.”]
Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Children in the Grundschule mathematics classes learn how to find their way around ranges of numbers which become ever greater – first from 1 to 10, then to 100, then to 1,000, etc. Later, people then learn what the truly big range numbers are and who it is that puts them in motion – astrophysicists and EU financial politicians.    

Since there was a European Union, the relation of Germans to billions has indeed become intimate. As a rule, these billions flow to a country which ostensibly must be rescued. Each day is greeted not by marmots but by billions in the newspaper and or on the TV news. Somewhere in Germany they must grow, these billions.

Frau von der Leyen was no slouch and at the end of last year even brought the trillion into play.   That is 1,000 billion euros – only thus for an understanding of the range of numbers: A one with twelve zeros. So much will the EU expend up to 2050 to transform Europe into the Earth’s first climate-neutral continent. That also states the motto of the German presidency of the council.

As is known, ladies and gentlemen, something came in between: A virus out of Asia frustrated these pious plans. The Fridays-for-Future teenagers could experience what an authentic crisis is like and had to go into lock down. And now we hear on the news of three-figure billion amounts to counter the secondary effects of the Corona lock down, which together could come near to the sum which Frau von der Leyen wanted to expend on restraining the world scourge of carbon dioxide.

Instead of a CO2-neutral economy, the money will thus now flow into overcoming the consequences of Corona. We have only one, anxious question for the Federal government and the EU leadership: Was that then, or do you still want to make a payment of 1 trillion for Greta’s fairy tale world?

The Corona crisis has literally shown the Brussels bureaucracy its borders. Herr Minister – I am of a quite different opinion than you – it has shown how little the EU is in the way of solving the problems of the European citizens. When it gets serious, people draw back into their national confines, and it will continue to be so.

The fixation of the EU Commission and the Federal government on the various green illusions and the fundamental reconstruction of economy and society are just as false as the tendency to shift ever more competences to the European level.

Amidst the daily reports of Corona and the emerging reconstruction of Europe, one news item, for example, has been nearly submerged. The Italians, without the EZB’s feedings, would be bankrupt. According to a Reuters report, in April and May the EZB took up nearly all of Italy’s new debt. Moreover, no one in the capital market was ready to purchase Italian national notes on a large scale. This factual state financing by the central bank [Notenpresse] is not only a violation of all European treaties, but it irrefutably leads to inflation.

            Franziska Brantner (Greens): Deflation!

We similarly experience that Germany’s yearly contribution to the EU budget shall increase around 42 percent in the coming years. Ladies and gentlemen, it must be said ever anew: This EU was founded under the proviso that no country is liable for the debts of another.

Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): False! There must be liability! It is quite otherwise, Herr Gauland! Old legends here!

            Franziska Brantner (Greens): Herr Gauland, you know better!

            Christian Petry (SPSD): Always these falsehoods here!

The Italians clearly have a higher per capita wealth than Germany. Germany is in no way rich, as is always asserted by interested parties, but it is capable. I have no idea

            Gunther Krichbaum (CDU/CSU) That is true!

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): That is right!

how the Federal government will explain to the Germans that they should now rescue the Italians who are clearly better off.

Instead, ladies and gentlemen, it is rather time to give up illusions and leave the Italians and the  Greeks to a currency of their own

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Oh, Gott!

which is to be supported by an economic and social policy for which Rome and Athens are responsible; or which is simply to be weakened, according to the circumstances.

Ladies and gentlemen, this EU is in flames, and indeed not only financially. Herr Macron declared in February that he wanted to reconquer those territories of the Republic lost to Islamic separatists.
Franziska Brantner (Greens): That was not the formulation! Herr Gauland, 
you cite falsely! That you are not ashamed to cite falsely! That is really 
unbelievable! One false statement after another!

In these lost territories of the Republic, a white person today better not let himself be seen, much less a Jew and no woman who thinks she herself can decide her personal appearance. That pertains precisely to the eastern Europeans, upon whom our EU centralists wish to impose obligatory migrant quotas – Herr Maas has again done that. He who has not first lost something, need not reconquer it, and it will remain so for the eastern Europeans.  

We are certainly not as far gone as France, but we are on the way. On May 22, the police praesidium in Duisburg received a letter, in which it is said, I cite with the permission of the President –

…Duisburg-Maxloh is our part of the city…We forbid all unbelievers to set foot in our part of the city…All police, journalists and other unbelievers, we will drive out with armed force or kill…Allahu akbar…

The Party and Event Scene in Stuttgart, wondrously quick forgotten by the media, at which Boris Palmer had recognized so many immigrants, has opened an additional view into a future which has little to do with that golden future being extolled in the EU’s glossy brochures or as it has been again extolled by the Herr Minister. There, ladies and gentlemen, are to be found no such disillusioning facts. The European nations will have to solve most problems in their own front yard. Brussels will not do it for them. Otherwise, the second German presidency of the EU Council could be the last.

I am grateful.

[Translated by Todd Martin]