Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Joana Cotar, July 27, 2020, Corona App

Joana Cotar
Corona App
AfD Kompakt, July 27, 2020
[Joana Cotar is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Hessen. A communications manager, she is the AfD’s spokesman for digital policy in the Bundestag.]

From the beginning, I have pointed out that the app’s epidemiological uses were not demonstrable. The experiences in other countries show that the result falls far below expectations, which is what I had predicted for Germany and it has occurred exactly so. Heretofore, only 660 TeleTANs were given out by us, approximately 550 people – according to estimates – having reported themselves as infected. Compared to the present infection numbers in Germany, it becomes clear: The app has no effect.

Now it occurs that the app – despite the enormous cost of 680 million euros – for weeks has not functioned correctly for many Android users. And people learn nothing of this from the government but from the Bild newspaper. Transparency appears otherwise. There is nothing more to say to the citizens. The Federal government should now put an end to this mischief, spare the taxpayers further expense and disconnect the app.

[Translated by Todd Martin]