Business Grants
Kompakt, July 22, 2020
[Uwe Witt is an Alternative für Deutschland
Bundestag member from the western German state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. He is human
resources manager and here refers back to an AfD motion (Drucksache 19/18145)
introduced in the Bundestag in March of this year for the relief of small
business and the self-employed during the Corona crisis.]
motion contained the demand that the self-employed and the small businessmen be
rescued from an economic stop with emergency grants-in-aid [nicht rückzahlbaren Soforthilfen]. The
government parties and the other opposition delegations rejected our
supplementary motion sight unseen and decided for the government model. Yet now
the government’s emergency aid turns out to be a coffin nail for the German
self-employed and small businessman. The applicants feel themselves deceived by
the government due to subsequent implementation examinations and forced to an
existential stop by the four month delay resulting from the Merkel government’s
senseless measures for containing the Corona virus.
he who maintains no business space because he works from home, leases no
machinery and so forth, will have a problem proving the lack of liquidity and
may need be prepared to pay back – completely or partially – up to 9,000 euros.
Once again, Merkel, Scholz & Co. turn out to be the lobbyists of the large
concerns while they leave it to the German small businessmen to cross the
economic Jordan with open eyes.
[Translated by Todd Martin]