Saturday, March 2, 2019

Jörn König, February 21, 2019, Tax Evasion

Jörn König
Tax Evasion
German Bundestag, February 21, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/83, pp. 9826-9827

[Jörn König is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Lower Saxony. He is an electrical engineer. Ursula von der Leyen is the present Defense Minister.]

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable colleagues.

This is a well-meaning motion by the Linke. We all want to prevent tax evasion. But it is naïve to believe that tax evasion can be thwarted with this motion. While there is plenty of analysis by the Linke and the Marxists, the proposed solutions nevertheless for the most part are not useful.

            Fabio De Masi (Linke): For you, most of both is bad!

Anja Hajduk (Bündnis90/Grünen): We could witness that live and in color here in the vicinity of the Reichstag for 40 years!

Please do not begin yet again with your anti-economic paranoia and your fundamental distrust of business. It would be transparent to assess and confirm where the millions and billions of your party assets have disappeared to.

Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): Ach, stop, enough with the baloney, colleague! All is long since clarified, long since!

In the motion you require transparency for civil society – a trendy jargon term. There is only one society, and citizens in uniform is indeed what you have never been part of. At the latest, since Ursula von der Leyen, the idea has become completely senseless.

            Metin Hakverdi (SPD): That would be a speech appropriate for the record!

The Linke with their motion want to give preference to – I cite:

The granting to representatives of interests a clear insight into the economics of a business

That, ladies and gentlemen, borders on economic espionage. With that, you save not one cent of tax revenue. You rather drive out the German Mittelstand.

            Lothar Binding (SPD, Heidelberg): You know what you are talking about!

According to a study by the Otto Brenner foundation of April 2018, some multinational concerns like Amazon maintain subsidiaries in tax havens [Steueroasen].

            Fabio De Masi (Line): My name is Bond, James Bond.

The Ireland and Luxemburg of the exemplary Europeans Asselborn and Juncker here conduct tax dumping of the most pernicious sort. The Frankfürter Rundschau reported with reference to this study that Amazon in 2016 had paid substantially less than the 20% taxes due in Germany. For other book merchants in comparison the tax rate was up to 37%. That is truly not an established definition of justice but is obviously unjust in regards the German Mittelstand.

That is also seen in the present insolvency of the large book merchant KNV. The business requirement is clear: proceeds must be taxed where transacted. Despite everything, that is discussed for 16 years in the EU in the so-called “Country-by-Country Reporting”. Besides, there is a small error in your motion: there is mention of “County Reporting”, that is, reports to be delivered by each Landkreis. But you are not to be credited for this requirement.

Concerning guideline 2011/16/EU, which was mentioned in the motion, until two years ago there was not one sanction according to the guideline for violation of the duty to report. This was introduced with the following words:

When a member state asserts that another member state over a long period of time has indifferently neglected to routinely make available state specific reports, it should apply to said member state to consult.

How is it so nicely put in the bad job references? “He has steadily applied himself.”

That is a toothless EU tiger hissing and throwing cotton balls. And then the EU is perplexed that Luxemburg does nothing to prevent tax dumping. Why? “Exempt, illegal -  all the same” is the motto of this EU tax haven. This so-called partner pursues egoistic national interests. Luxemburg, with a per capita gross domestic product double in comparison to that of Germany,is actually a wealthy country. Wealthy at the cost of the neighbor – that we have certainly learned. It is also thereby truly clear why the EU is so deeply stuck in crisis.

Back to good intentions. In this matter are required proposals to the federal government and to the EU much more precise than those put forward in this motion. Uniform tax rates would be an example of progress. We are in favor of sending the motion to the finance committee. There, the justifiable intentions can be re-worked into something sensible. The AfD rejects the motion in its present form.

Besides, I am of the opinion that Frau Merkel on account of her knife deaths [wegen ihrer Messertoten] must resign as Chancellor.

Many thanks for your attention.

[Translated by Todd Martin]