Friday, March 15, 2019

European Election Program, 9th European Parliament 2019, Europe of Nations

European Election Program
Program of the Alternative für Deutschland for Election
     of the 9th European Parliament 2019
A Europe of Nations

2.3.1 Private Provision for EU Functionaries
Upon separation, EU parliamentarians presently receive a super-sized retirement benefit from a pension fund. As a result of the EZB’s low interest rate policy, and similar to private and corporate retirement systems, the return on this fund has fallen off and there are large deficits. The AfD strictly opposes the present plan of Brussels for which the taxpayer now shall make compensation while the citizen must himself bear the reduction of life insurance and retirement benefits. In our EU model, the EU members and functionaries should themselves come up with their retirement and healthcare provisions.

2.3.2 Information and Transparency
While lobbyists and representatives of special interests are generally and first of all informed, as a rule information concerning EU institutions remains withheld from the citizens. During negotiations of commercial agreements such as the TTIP, information concerning the contents was withheld even from the parliamentarians of the national states. We demand an unrestricted right to information for all citizens and a maximum transparency and for all EU institutions a duty to publish all pertinent data as per the standard of the Hamburg transparency statute. We demand of non-governmental organizations (NGO) the annual presentation of a business report on financial sources and activities.

2.4 The Europa Parties and their Foundations
The “political parties at the European level” introduced by the Maastricht Treaty were in 2003 reconstructed into an expanded, gigantic instrument of state party financing. The “Europa parties” are not parties according to German law. Their financing of up to 100 percent by public means violates European law. Heedless of this, the established parties have opened up hereby an additional source of public financing. Since its introduction in 2004, the EU parliament has increased the means referred to from 3.2 million euros to 20.8 million euros per year.

Beyond that, the parties have agreed to foundations at the European level. So, for example, the foundation of the European Peoples’ Party (EVP), to which the CDU/CSU belongs, receives 4.9 million euros (2016). All told, approximately 16 million euros are paid out to the EU foundations. The AfD demands the immediate cessation of party financing at the European level.

[Translated by Todd Martin]