Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Alexander Gauland, March 18, 2019, Deutsche Bank – Commerzbank Fusion

Alexander Gauland
Deutsche Bank – Commerzbank Fusion
AfD Kompakt, March 18, 2019

[Alexander Gauland is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland as well as a chairman of the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag. Olaf Scholz is German Finance Minister.]

There cannot be a fusion of the two stricken banks. The assumption that out of two weakened banks there automatically would be one healthy, strong bank contradicts simple logic.

One might not agree to the fusion simply on account of the tens of thousands of jobs put into play and that no real economic recovery is to be expected from the union. Structural failures, inherent in the system, will not be relieved by a simple merger. Olaf Scholz, with his urging of a bank fusion, not only knowingly puts in play tens of thousands of German jobs, he also takes into the bargain the high risk that the new bank will in the mid-term again get caught in a noose. Both banks should be restored under their own power and not seek their recovery in a questionable fusion to the burden of employee and taxpayer.

[Translated by Todd Martin]