Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Alexander Gauland, March 4, 2019, Politics

Alexander Gauland
AfD Kompakt, March 4, 2019

[Alexander Gauland is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland as well as a chairman of the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag. He here responds to recent public statements by Volkswagen executive Hiltrud Werner referring to the AfD’s relative popularity amongst working people in eastern Germany as being a “problem”.]

…Frau Werner errs. The high approval of the AfD among employees is not a problem for eastern Germany but a great opportunity for urgently required political renewal. The VW manager’s statements show that we in the AfD Bundestag delegation are relevant for a great many and the other national parties accordingly are evidently doing much that is wrong.

Instead of allowing herself to be hitched to the political cart of the old parties, Frau Werner should preferably rejoice that so many employees, disillusioned with the politics of the old parties, are turning to the AfD. That will prevent the regression of these frustrated voters back into the camp of the non-voters. That makes clear how enlivening for democracy is the AfD.

[Translated by Todd Martin]