Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bruno Hollnagel, March 1, 2019, Eurozone

Bruno Hollnagel
AfD Kompakt, March 1, 2019

[Bruno Hollnagel is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein. He is an investment manager and author and is currently a member of the Bundestag finance committee. He here responds to recent proposals for a more centralized management of the European economy. Ludwig Erhard was a post-war German chancellor and finance minister.]

… It is dangerous and treacherous when liability regulations are to be softened. Evidently the Frenchwoman Christine LaGarde in her character as chief of the IWF stands by the side of Macron to enforce French interests against Germany. France vehemently demands in the name of a “general coordination” a Eurozone budget and a European fiscal union. These would however violate the Maastricht Treaty which expressly excludes a general European liability. The assertion that a monetary system with a robust super-structure would be more stable is fundamentally false. The exact opposite is correct. Not the political “super-structure” but rather a more solid “sub-structure”, consisting of the tried and true principles of Erhard’s social market economy, is what is decisive. The leveling harmonization destroys the “multi-colored variety” which, according to Erhard, was Europe’s strength, not its weakness. France should remain with its centralized economic management and not force us into this corset which in our view robs a free economy of the air it needs to breathe.

In the Europe of the future, each country should be happy according to its own fashion instead of prescribing to other countries how they are to live. In such a Europe that breathes freedom, each state should be able to fulfill its characteristics to the good of all and thus offer to all members an added value.

{Translated by Todd Martin]