Monday, January 27, 2025

Dirk Brandes, December 5, 2024, Aviation and CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/203, p. 26322. 

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

This motion rather impressively shows what kind of green child the Union has become. The CDU is not only the party of the bungled energy transition, of the ban on combustion engines, and of illegal migration; the CDU as of now is also responsible for the decline of the aviation branch in Germany. 

            Björn Simon (CDU/CSU): That is just nonsense! You propose nothing!                                Zero!

In your motion, you demand more strongly promoting climate-neutral flying. What is climate-neutral flying? I fear some soon fly out of the parliament climate-neutral. Yet we do not thereby bring forward the aviation branch. Your 15 point motion reads like a position paper of the Greens. With money from the aviation tax and the CO2 pricing, you want to drive forward the de-carbonization. Yet a few weeks ago, you complained that German aviation finds itself in the worst crisis, and now you want to redistribute still more money in climate projects. 

We now have a brief window of time so as to reduce with parliamentary majorities the costs for aviation. 

            Michael Donth (CDU/CSU): For that, there is no majority!

Yet what does the CDU/CSU do out of fear that the AfD could put this thing to a vote? I say to you: Out of pure panic, you form a backroom coalition with the SPD and Greens. 

            Stefan Gelbhaar (Greens): Boring!

You paralyze this parliament and stuff the daily order with alibi motions! 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Right! Well reckoned!

With your firewall, you continue to prevent a policy for the future. You are not part of the solution for this country but, with your Habeck friend Merz, you are presently the biggest problem for Germany. 

We want no aviation tax, no kerosene tax, and no CO2 pricing. If you want to ruin the CDU and CSU traditional parties, that is your matter. Nevertheless, stop mimicking the innovation driver. You have already with your e-mobility led the automobile branch into crisis. I believe that suffices. 

The AfD would now drive forward innovation and progress. We Germans were once the pioneers of aviation and automobiles. With you, we are just pioneers of bureaucracy and ideology. That will change, ladies and gentlemen; that, I promise you. The voters will decide wisely. 

I wish you a good night. 


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Friday, January 24, 2025

Alice Weidel, January 23, 2025, Open Letter to Friedrich Merz

January 23, 2025, Junge Freiheit, 

Right honorable Herr Merz. 

The latest knife murders and terror acts of Mannheim, Solingen, Magdeburg and lately Aschaffenburg have unmistakably led before all eyes the ruined domestic security in our country as a consequence of the nearly decade long “rule of injustice” in the German migration policy. 

From your comment on the Aschaffenburg act of blood by a rejected and actionable Afghan asylum applicant obliged to depart, I take it that you share this estimate of the situation. That is a good sign. A still better sign is that you have evidently made as your own an urgent solution proposal by my delegation, the Alternative für Deutschland, for bringing about a migration policy change of course: Complete, strong border control and rejections of illegal migrants without exception, substantial deportations and returns as a responsibility of the Federal government, additional competences for the Federal Police and for an unconditional deportation custody [Abscheibegewahrsam]. 

Much of this, which you have announced for the time following your possible election as German Chancellor, would long since have been able to be concluded on the basis of initiatives of my and your delegations with now existing majorities, beyond red-green, since the break of the Ampel coalition. 

Any further delay contains the danger that still more people will be killed, wounded, traumatized, and robbed of their right to a future and to a normal, peaceful life. This price is too high. This country’s citizens would have no understanding if the introduction of the overdue migration change and the steps required for a reconstruction of domestic security were put off for additional weeks and months until after the Bundestag election. 

In responsibility for the state, I appeal to you: Let us without further delay make the necessary decisions so as to in fact implement what the citizens now rightly expect from the Politik. The coming week in session at the German Bundestag offers an opportunity which may not be passed by unused. The majorities for that are at hand. 

For a coordinating discussion, my delegation and I are at your disposal anytime. Regardless of this, I now look forward with expectation to our TV discussion on the pressing political questions of our time. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Dr. Alice Weidel

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thomas Ehrhorn, December 5, 2024, Combustion Engine and CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/203, pp. 26313-26314. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Those who are committed not without ifs and buts to the continuation of the combustion engine have quite obviously taken leave of all principles of the free market economy. They are the true gravediggers of our erstwhile healthy economy. Who asks, How do the saboteurs of German prosperity appear?, to them I need say: Look around you, they sit everywhere. 

Canan Bayram (Greens): Primarily with you!

They sit on the government bench, they of course sit in the chair of Frau von der Leyen currently under suspicion of corruption in Brussels, and they sit in the ranks of the CDU/CSU with their firewall fetish, who in the future will well represent the interests of BlackRock rather than the interests of  our own country. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): Just speak for Russia!

In any case, it should be clear that it is also and particularly the CDU/CSU which unperturbed holds fast to the policy of harm for our people. And so the here presented motion of the CDU/CSU is nothing other than the shabby attempt of political con men and fraudsters to give rise to the impression that one still supposedly wants to maintain the combustion engine. Thus is presented to us the idea of creating a new class of vehicles which operates with climate-friendly e-fuels, and which shall technically exclude the use of conventional fuels. Yet from where the new fuel shall come in sufficient quantity, the ladies and gentlemen of the CDU/CSU themselves obviously do not know. The only thing which occurs to them is to demand a new strategy to somehow accelerate the market launch. OK. 

Against the step-by-step transfer to e-fuels, if there were then affordable prices, would basically nothing be opposed. Yet so long as there is not, an operation of combustion engines with conventional fuels would self-evidently need to continue to be possible. Yet precisely that will be technically prevented, as is quite well known, with the new e-fuels only class. And you quite precisely know that. Nevertheless, we will vote for your motion on account of a few correct approaches in your most disingenuous paper. Who however wants to read a clearly formulated acknowledgment of the combustion engine, finds that exclusively in a motion of the AfD – as usual. Therefore I say: Who votes CDU, votes for the decline of the the auto industry. Who votes Merz, votes for BlackRock. Only who votes AfD, votes for a better future. 

            Michael Roth (CDU/CSU): …votes for Russia!

Many thanks. 


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Thursday, January 16, 2025

René Aust, December 18, 2024, Economic Policy

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P10 CRE-REV(2024)12-18(3-0028-0000.) 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The world changes. Demographic proportions shift to the disadvantage of Europe in the direction of population growth of Asia and Africa. And the knowledge advantage of Europe in the natural sciences and technology has shrunk in the past 30 years; we were in part overhauled. In addition, Europe by means of a moralizing foreign policy, by all too careless sanctions, closes itself off from access to the world’s resources, especially energy, coal, nuclear power and gas. 

The world changes, yet the establishment, the established political parties, do politics as always. That is displayed in the ambitionless economic policy of the new president of the European Council, Herr Costa. In the invitation to his first session on Thursday with the heads of state and government, not a single time was there the term competitiveness, not once the term economic growth. On the daily order, the themes of innovation and investment played no role at all – and this in a time in which France and Germany are stuck in an economic crisis, and growth in the EU is slower than in any other large economic region of the world. 

The EU establishment still has not understood the dramatic economic situation of Europe and its citizens. Economic policy needs to be a top priority! Instead, economic policy is worth not a word for the heads of state and government; patriotic governments place at mid-point the everyday life of our citizens, not feminist foreign policy. As a reminder: It is the duty of the European Council of the European Union to give the required impulse for the development of Europe. Let us then look in the world for which economic impulse is necessary. 

One wanted to make additional competition for the farmers in Europe by means of Mercosur. Yet then one needs also prepare them for the competition by relieving them through bureaucracy and from bureaucracy in the European Union. 

Artificial Intelligence: In the European Union there is no business of relevance in the area of artificial intelligence, yet the EU has already concluded comprehensive prescriptions for that. Our continent requires freedom and desire for innovation, not fear of the new. 

Automobile Industry: In the coming 50 years, more autos will be sold in the world than in the past 100 years. The markets however are in Latin America, in Africa, in India, and there will be no complete electrification strategy. Thus also here is the clear demand: An end to the combustion engine ban! 

Steel Industry: The ton of so-called green steel costs 30 to 40% more than conventionally manufactured steel. We need an end of the leftist-green transformation dreaming. 

Bitcoin: While the entire world prepares itself for that here there is a new way, there is from the European Union regulation and prescriptions. MiCA decree afuera! 

You see, another economic policy would be possible. Instead, the EU establishment continues as previously. Under your leadership, Europe becomes poorer, more insecure, and dependent on other regions of the world. 

Therefore, Europe needs to vote for change in the year 2025, and that the citizens of Europe can do: For example in Czechia in which they vote for Svoboda, for example in Poland in which they vote for Konfederacja in the presidential election, for example in Germany when they vote for the Alternative für Deutschland in the Bundestag election. 


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Monday, January 13, 2025

Beatrix von Storch, December 20, 2024, Constitution Defense

German Bundestag, December 20, 2024, Plenarprotokoll 20/208, pp. 27002-27003. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

The so-called Constitution Defense in its present form does not defend democracy, it is a danger for democracy. This danger is embodied by two persons: By the former Constitution Defense chief Haldenwang, and by the Thüringen Constitution Defense president Kramer. Haldenwang stands for the reckless instrumentalization of the Constitution Defense for partisan political interests 

            Konstantin von Notz (Greens): What are you saying here? My goodness!

and Kramer for an obsessive, personal crusade against the AfD. 

We recall the background of Haldenwang’s appointment. In November 2018, the Union had lost votes to the AfD; at the Bundestag election one million, and at the 2018 Hessen State legislative election 100,000. Our polling numbers were climbing ever further. 

            Benjamin Strasser (FDP): Hans-Georg Maaßen introduced a test proceeding                        against you!

In November 2018 we were at 16 percent and the Union fell further: About seven percentage points to 25 percent. The Merkel government therefore decided to employ the domestic secret service as a weapon against the AfD, invented the Chemnitz Hetzjagd lie, 

Hendrik Hoppenstedt (CDU/CSU): I thought you had always been against the legalization of cannabis!

and replaced Maaßen with the compliant accomplice Haldenwang. The battle order for the true CDU party soldiers was clear: 

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): For God’s sake! What stories!

to defame, belittle and ostracize the AfD and repress its election results, 

            Benjamin Strasser (FDP): Hans-Georg Maaßen was never a CDU member, or?

and, as you know, – apology – the brainless Haldenwang 

            Hendrik Hoppenstedt (CDU/CSU): We cannot accept the apology!

plainly admitted – cite: “The Constitution Defense is not alone responsible for lowering the AfD’s polling numbers.” 

“Not alone.”, he said – yet it is responsible, and indeed essentially. For his true service to the CDU, he is allowed be a CDU candidate for the Bundestag. 

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): The local associations present candidates!

And, as we thought it does not get worse, then came the “Apollo” exposure of the Thüringen Constitution Defense president Kramer. It rendered every democrat speechless: In 2015, the social pedagogue from the rocker scene, together with the Putinist, extremist “Night Wolves” network, took part in a wreathe-laying for the Red Army dead. The Constitution Defense knew this – and shortly thereafter made him its president. He had failed in legal studies. It is almost a trifle that he is not only personally but also professionally unsuitable and unqualified.    

As Constitution Defense president, he erected a regime of fear and intimidation. A fifth of the staff left the Thüringen Constitution Defense. The rightist and leftist extremism department leaderships are unoccupied for three years. A disciplinary proceeding is opened against him, and he has been classified as a security risk – the chief of the Constitution Defense. He openly threatened a co-worker with bodily violence. And what happened? Nothing. No denial, no resignation, no comment. A great silence, just like here now. 

            Benjamin Strasser (FDP): We have just not yet debated, Frau von Storch!

That the public debate is absent is the real scandal; the total failure of public control by the media, even when the state of law and democracy break. 

Benjamin Strasser (FDP): That was on the MDR and in the “Welt”! Is that also the “Lügenspresse”? 

            Leon Eckert (Greens): Do you after all read newspapers?

Like Haldenwang, Kramer also meddled without limit in the daily political fight. He insulted a fifth of the German voters as “brown dirt”. 

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): Not the voters, the functionaries!

He called for the AfD test case – without legal basis. In an internal e-mail, the responsible department leader declared, Herr Kramer had, cite: “knowingly left out” the responsible department. Herr Kramer's gathering of material originated with Herr Kramer himself. Not once did he explain to his officials the origin of these materials and then he made disappear a key juridical opinion in which all of this is condemned. Ladies and gentlemen, that is no substantial examination of a danger for the free, democratic basic order, that is Kramer’s personal, fanatic war against the AfD. 

Kramer and Haldenwang are symptoms of a sick system of institutionalized abuse of power. In no other Western democracy may the domestic secret service be employed against the opposition. Since what distinguishes a democracy from a dictatorship? In a democracy, 

            Benjamin Strasser (FDP): …complaint can be made of the categorization!

the voters decide the fate of a party; and in a dictatorship, the secret service chief. 

Now for once quite briefly consider in which direction we are directly developing. 

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): In that regard, we are thinking directly                                of your speech!

If you do not use this debate today to admit that this Constitution Defense, that Haldenwang and Kramer are a danger for the free, democratic basic order, 

            Fabian Griewel (FDP): You are a danger for the free, democratic basic order?

not even now, in regards to these persons, then you are a danger for the free, democratic basic order. 

Many thanks.


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Monday, January 6, 2025

Steffen Kotré, December 18, 2024, Germany and Syria

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/206, pp. 26598-26599. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

In contrast to the Federal government, an AfD delegation five years ago traveled to Syria so as to there form a picture of the situation. 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Assad!

It was quickly clear: The western sanctions destroy the country and primarily affect the people. Syria was one of the wealthiest countries of the region. There was schooling without cost, a good healthcare system, relative freedom of religion and the doors of houses were never locked. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Such rubbish!

And then came the civil war with support of the West. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Unbelievable!

The U.S.A. has diligently exploited the oil resources, and Turkey then supported the Islamists. It was a service of the Russians which weakened the Islamic State, if not having entirely defeated it. 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Rubbish! That is such idiocy! Radio Moscow!

Following the logic of my preceding speaker, Herr Kuhle, it thus needed be that the “Islamic State” now should govern in Syria. 

Sara Nanni (Greens): What then brings you to the point that you tell such idiocy here? Unbelievable!

Or how should I understand it? And if he means that migration here is to be used as a weapon: It is nevertheless exactly the Federal government which has made possible this mass migration, 

Sara Nanni (Greens): The butcher Assad, whom you visited, he drove the people to flight. Already forget?

and thereby employed it as a weapon against our society; it is nothing other. Yet one thing was already then clear; namely, what German interests are: 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): It is pretty clear what your interests here are!

Reconstruction of the country and a repatriation of Syrian migrants. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Nazis raus!

The AfD already then had a time table which just now is being slowly taken over by the Federal government: 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Herr Kotré, what then are your interests?

Setting up channels of communication and a step-by-step taking up of diplomatic relations, re-opening the German embassy, lifting the sanctions which primarily affect the people, access to international payments commerce, a reconstruction plan in common with all international partners and with inclusion of the German Mitteslstand           

Sara Nanni (Greens): Your colleague from Hamburg, is she not in a WG with Assad, or how need I imagine that? The living room slowly becomes scarce!

and, lastly, remigration and re-integration of all Syrians living with us – but then in Syria; Syrians who have not integrated with us are those thereby meant. Yet Syrians who have integrated with us, and who recognize the Basic Law, who themselves provide their livelihood, are heartily welcome. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Ja, all heartily welcome. That shines from you!

Yet unfortunately that is not the largest group. And the lie, that every Syrian would be a skilled worker, nevertheless has long since collapsed. 

            Karamba Diaby (SPD): No one said that!

Why is the remigration 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): There it is again, that word!

of Syrians unwilling to integrate in the German interest; before all things, in the interest of our pensioners? 

Sara Nanni (Greens): Whom do you mean? The pensioners who are cared for by Syrian refugees, or whom do you mean?

We have approximately one million Syrians in the country. Their employment rate [Erwerbsquote] is slight. The Germans are working quasi for the Syrians. And when the Syrians have work, it is rather in the low wage sector. 

            Rasha Nasr (SPD): Like the over 5,000 doctors?

They will have to rely on social beneifts and tax money, at the latest until pensioned. The average costs of the annual sums run in a total of approximately 25 billion euros. What does this sum signify? The sum signifies that in two years the entire school grounds in Germany could be restored. 

            Jörg Nürnberger (SPD):  You yourself do not believe that!

Among the Syrians are terrorists; even Frau Merkel has admitted that. Essen, Solingen, Bad Oeynhausen – the worst perpetrators are Syrians. 

            Till Steffen (SPD): You can tell that to Putin! 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): And the biggest Nazis are German!

Among the Syrians are many who reject our free, democratic, basic order. 

Johannes Fechner (SPD): Toss out the criminals from your delegation just for once! Who then sits there?

In Stuttgart and Hamburg, thousands have clearly positioned themselves with cries of “Allahu-Akbar” at Christmas markets – anti-democratic, disdaining our customs, traditions and practices, seizing power, and ultimately with a claim of forcing all others to the wall. Every one of these needs to be deported, ladies and gentlemen. 

And the German law demands remigration. The Syrians have no right to asylum. They have a subsidiary status as refugees. With the end of the civil war and the fall of Assad, their residency right has expired, since the refugee status has fallen away. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Assad, your pal!

It is thereby automatically given that they need to leave our country, 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): AfD, Assad for Deutschland!

since no EU law supports that deportations somehow be opposed. That, from humanitarian viewpoints, naturally needs to follow, that is fully clear. Germany in this regard is quite generous, and will support the reconstruction and thereby the future perspectives in Syria. That means, reconstruction, future perspectives and the return of Syrians are united with one another. 

            Till Steffen (SPD): You can take the lead and make everything nice!

The HTS, the new leadership in Syria, is an Islamist organization; a bounty of 10 million euros has been set for its leader. Yet many Syrians here in the country celebrated Assad’s fall. 

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Unlike you!

They thereby show that they have no problem 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time is up. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Thank God!

that now, as the Federal government names the leadership there, rebels govern.


Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Please sit down and be calm. All have more,                                     Herr Kotré! Really! 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time, Herr Kotré, is up.

Therefore: Remigration can save human lives. The AfD demands the repatriation and thereby represents the people’s interests           

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Stop speaking! 

Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: The speaking time is up, even if you simply speak. I can next turn off your microphone.

and those of well integrated foreigners. 

Many thanks. 


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