January 23, 2025, Junge Freiheit, http://jungefreiheit.de/
Right honorable Herr Merz.
The latest knife murders and terror acts of Mannheim, Solingen, Magdeburg and lately Aschaffenburg have unmistakably led before all eyes the ruined domestic security in our country as a consequence of the nearly decade long “rule of injustice” in the German migration policy.
From your comment on the Aschaffenburg act of blood by a rejected and actionable Afghan asylum applicant obliged to depart, I take it that you share this estimate of the situation. That is a good sign. A still better sign is that you have evidently made as your own an urgent solution proposal by my delegation, the Alternative für Deutschland, for bringing about a migration policy change of course: Complete, strong border control and rejections of illegal migrants without exception, substantial deportations and returns as a responsibility of the Federal government, additional competences for the Federal Police and for an unconditional deportation custody [Abscheibegewahrsam].
Much of this, which you have announced for the time following your possible election as German Chancellor, would long since have been able to be concluded on the basis of initiatives of my and your delegations with now existing majorities, beyond red-green, since the break of the Ampel coalition.
Any further delay contains the danger that still more people will be killed, wounded, traumatized, and robbed of their right to a future and to a normal, peaceful life. This price is too high. This country’s citizens would have no understanding if the introduction of the overdue migration change and the steps required for a reconstruction of domestic security were put off for additional weeks and months until after the Bundestag election.
In responsibility for the state, I appeal to you: Let us without further delay make the necessary decisions so as to in fact implement what the citizens now rightly expect from the Politik. The coming week in session at the German Bundestag offers an opportunity which may not be passed by unused. The majorities for that are at hand.
For a coordinating discussion, my delegation and I are at your disposal anytime. Regardless of this, I now look forward with expectation to our TV discussion on the pressing political questions of our time.
Mit freundlichen
Grüßen, Dr. Alice Weidel
[trans: tem]