German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/206, pp. 26598-26599.
Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.
In contrast to the Federal government, an AfD delegation five years ago traveled to Syria so as to there form a picture of the situation.
Fechner (SPD): Assad!
It was quickly clear: The western sanctions destroy the country and primarily affect the people. Syria was one of the wealthiest countries of the region. There was schooling without cost, a good healthcare system, relative freedom of religion and the doors of houses were never locked.
Lamya Kaddor
(Greens): Such rubbish!
And then came the civil war with support of the West.
Sara Nanni
(Greens): Unbelievable!
The U.S.A. has diligently exploited the oil resources, and Turkey then supported the Islamists. It was a service of the Russians which weakened the Islamic State, if not having entirely defeated it.
Fechner (SPD): Rubbish! That is such idiocy! Radio Moscow!
Following the logic of my preceding speaker, Herr Kuhle, it thus needed be that the “Islamic State” now should govern in Syria.
Sara Nanni (Greens): What then
brings you to the point that you tell such idiocy here? Unbelievable!
Or how should I understand it? And if he means that migration here is to be used as a weapon: It is nevertheless exactly the Federal government which has made possible this mass migration,
Sara Nanni (Greens): The butcher
Assad, whom you visited, he drove the people to flight. Already forget?
and thereby employed it as a weapon against our society; it is nothing other. Yet one thing was already then clear; namely, what German interests are:
Lamya Kaddor
(Greens): It is pretty clear what your interests here are!
Reconstruction of the country and a repatriation of Syrian migrants.
Sara Nanni
(Greens): Nazis raus!
The AfD already then had a time table which just now is being slowly taken over by the Federal government:
Lamya Kaddor
(Greens): Herr Kotré, what then are your interests?
Setting up channels of communication and a step-by-step taking up of diplomatic relations, re-opening the German embassy, lifting the sanctions which primarily affect the people, access to international payments commerce, a reconstruction plan in common with all international partners and with inclusion of the German Mitteslstand
Sara Nanni (Greens): Your colleague
from Hamburg, is she not in a WG with Assad, or how need I imagine that? The
living room slowly becomes scarce!
and, lastly, remigration and re-integration of all Syrians living with us – but then in Syria; Syrians who have not integrated with us are those thereby meant. Yet Syrians who have integrated with us, and who recognize the Basic Law, who themselves provide their livelihood, are heartily welcome.
Sara Nanni
(Greens): Ja, all heartily welcome.
That shines from you!
Yet unfortunately that is not the largest group. And the lie, that every Syrian would be a skilled worker, nevertheless has long since collapsed.
Karamba Diaby
(SPD): No one said that!
Why is the remigration
Sara Nanni
(Greens): There it is again, that word!
of Syrians unwilling to integrate in the German interest; before all things, in the interest of our pensioners?
Sara Nanni (Greens): Whom do you
mean? The pensioners who are cared for by Syrian refugees, or whom do you mean?
We have approximately one million Syrians in the country. Their employment rate [Erwerbsquote] is slight. The Germans are working quasi for the Syrians. And when the Syrians have work, it is rather in the low wage sector.
Rasha Nasr
(SPD): Like the over 5,000 doctors?
They will have to rely on social beneifts and tax money, at the latest until pensioned. The average costs of the annual sums run in a total of approximately 25 billion euros. What does this sum signify? The sum signifies that in two years the entire school grounds in Germany could be restored.
Jörg Nürnberger
(SPD): You yourself do not believe that!
Among the Syrians are terrorists; even Frau Merkel has admitted that. Essen, Solingen, Bad Oeynhausen – the worst perpetrators are Syrians.
Till Steffen (SPD): You can tell that to Putin!
Sara Nanni
(Greens): And the biggest Nazis are German!
Among the Syrians are many who reject our free, democratic, basic order.
Johannes Fechner (SPD): Toss out
the criminals from your delegation just for once! Who then sits there?
In Stuttgart and Hamburg, thousands have clearly positioned themselves with cries of “Allahu-Akbar” at Christmas markets – anti-democratic, disdaining our customs, traditions and practices, seizing power, and ultimately with a claim of forcing all others to the wall. Every one of these needs to be deported, ladies and gentlemen.
And the German law demands remigration. The Syrians have no right to asylum. They have a subsidiary status as refugees. With the end of the civil war and the fall of Assad, their residency right has expired, since the refugee status has fallen away.
Sara Nanni
(Greens): Assad, your pal!
It is thereby automatically given that they need to leave our country,
Sara Nanni
(Greens): AfD, Assad for Deutschland!
since no EU law supports that deportations somehow be opposed. That, from humanitarian viewpoints, naturally needs to follow, that is fully clear. Germany in this regard is quite generous, and will support the reconstruction and thereby the future perspectives in Syria. That means, reconstruction, future perspectives and the return of Syrians are united with one another.
Steffen (SPD): You can take the lead and make everything nice!
The HTS, the new leadership in Syria, is an Islamist organization; a bounty of 10 million euros has been set for its leader. Yet many Syrians here in the country celebrated Assad’s fall.
Sara Nanni
(Greens): Unlike you!
They thereby show that they have no problem
Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time is up.
Kaddor (Greens): Thank God!
that now, as the Federal government names the leadership there, rebels govern.
Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Please sit down and be calm. All have more, Herr Kotré! Really!
Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time, Herr Kotré, is up.
Therefore: Remigration can save human lives. The AfD demands the repatriation and thereby represents the people’s interests
Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Stop speaking!
Vice-president Katrin
Göring-Eckardt: The speaking time is up, even if you simply speak. I can next
turn off your microphone.
and those of well integrated foreigners.
Many thanks.
[trans: tem]